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Antiguo 10-04-2013
Avatar de PepeLolo
PepeLolo PepeLolo is offline
Registrado: jun 2003
Ubicación: Fuenlabrada - Madrid - Espagna
Posts: 265
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PepeLolo Va por buen camino
Exclamation Servidor Interbase. Consumo de memoria sin parar.

Buenos días,

tengo problemas con el consumo de memoria del servidor de interbase 7.1 que se dispara hasta los dos megas muriendo al llegar a este nivel. Desde que se levanta el servicio hasta llegar a los dos megas suele pasar aproximadamente tres semanas.

Adjunto información del servidor:
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise edition Service Pack 2
Intel Xeon CPU X3363 @ 2.83GHz 2.83 GHz, 11.9 GB de RAM Extensión de dirección física
El servidor esta activo 24/365
El número de usuarios activos concurrentes en una jornada normal llegan a ser de 120. y unas 600 transacciones activas (READ_COMMITTED).

Adjunto el fichero de configuración:
## The default value for each entry is listed the right of it.
## To activate an entry, uncomment it and supply the desired value.

#ADMIN_DB "admin.ib"
## Specifies a filename for the InterBase security database.
##Needed only if you do not want to use the default name, admin.ib.
## The security database must reside in the InterBase home directory.

## Bytes of shared memory allocated for event manager.

## Bytes of shared memory allocated for lock manager.
## Default is 98304 on Linux and Solaris, 256K on Windows.

## Number of semaphores for interprocess communication
## (Classic architecture only).

## UNIX signal to use for interprocess communication
## (Classic architecture only).

## (Windows only) In an SMP system, sets which processors can be used
## by the InterBase server. The value is taken from a bit vector in
## which each bit represents a machine. Thus, to use only the first
## processor, the value is 1. To use both the first and second processors,
## the value is 3. To use the second and third, the value is 6.
## Default is all processors (when entry is commented out).

## Seconds to wait before concluding an attempt to connect has failed.

## Server-wide default for the number of database pages
## to allocate in memory per database.
## Can be overridden by clients.

## Seconds before an ungranted lock causes a scan to check for deadlocks.

## Seconds to wait on a silent client connection before the
## server sends dummy packets to request acknowledgment.

## Specifies whether Intel Hyper-threading technology enabled logical
## processors should be enabled
## Valid values are: 1 (enable), 0 (disable)
## Default: 0 (disable)

## If your external files are not in <interbase_home>/ext,
## specify their location here. For security reasons, do not
## put other files in this directory.

## If your UDF library is not in <interbase_home>/UDF, then specify
## the location of the library here. For security reasons, do not
## put other files in this directory.

## Number of spins during a busy wait on the lock table mutex.
## Relevant only on SMP machines.

## Tune lock hash list; more hash slots mean shorter hash chains.
## Not necessary except under very high load.
## Prime number values are recommended.

#MAX_THREADS 1000000
## Controls the maximum number of threads that can be active
## at one time within the InterBase engine. The listed value
## applies to a system with multiple licensed CPUs. For a
## single CPU system, the value defaults to 1 which eliminates
## the synchronization overhead required by multiple CPUs.

## Size in bytes of one client’s portion of the memory mapped
## file used for interprocess communication.

## Priority of the InterBase service on Windows NT, 2000, or XP.
## The value 1 is low priority, 2 is high priority.
## Relevant only on Windows NT/2000/XP.

## Threshold above which the OS is requested to swap out all memory.
## Relevant only on Windows NT, 2000, and XP
## Default is system-determined

## Threshold below which the OS is requested to swap out no memory
## Relevant only on Windows NT, 2000, and XP
## Default is system-determined

## Specifies the maximum number of records that a garbage collector
## thread or a sweeper thread is allowed to work before yielding
## control back to the worker threads.

## Specifies the time, in milliseconds, the sweeper or
## garbage collector thread sleeps.

## TCP/IP buffer size for send and receive buffers. This applies to
## both client and server programs.
## Default is 8192 bytes. Valid range is 1448 to 32768

## Directory to use for storing temporary files.
## Specify directory path and number of bytes available in the directory.
## List multiple entries one per line; directories are
## used in the order specified.
## Default is the value of the INTERBASE_TMP environment
## variable; otherwise /tmp on UNIX or C:\temp on Windows NT/2000/XP.

## Specifies the maximum number of records that a worker thread
## (thread running an user query) is allowed to work before
## yielding control back to other threads.

## Bytes of shared memory allocated for event manager.
## Overridden by ANY_EVENT_MEMSIZE.

## 1 means locks are granted first come, first served.
## 0 means emulate InterBase V3.3 behavior, where locks are granted
## as soon as they are available; can result in lock request starvation.

## Bytes of shared memory allocated for lock manager.
## Default is 98304 on Linux and Solaris, 256K on Windows.
## Overridden by ANY_LOCK_MEM_SIZE.

## Number of semaphores for interprocess communication
## (Classic architecture only).
## Overridden by ANY_LOCK_SEM_COUNT.

## UNIX signal to use for interprocess communication
## (Classic architecture only).
## Overridden by ANY_LOCK_SIGNAL.

## Number of seconds a server process waits before retrying
## for the lock table mutex.
## Relevant on Solaris only.
Librerias UDF
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gracias de antemano
El hombre el único virus que mide más de unas cuantas micras
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