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Antiguo 20-05-2012
H8RS H8RS is offline
Registrado: may 2012
Posts: 3
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H8RS Va por buen camino
Exclamation Error Delphi [Expected ';' but '.' found.]

Pues hize un programa en delphi y a la hora de depurarlo me da este error:
Código Delphi [-]
Expected ';' but '.' found.

y me manda a esta linea:
Código Delphi [-]
Memo1: N.A.;

si la borro, me manda a esta:
Código Delphi [-]
SaveMan: N.A.;

y si borro las dos me da error el codigo.

Este es el código completo de la aplicación(Es un autoclick):

Código Delphi [-]
unit Unit1;


                                     unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics,
  Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls
    WinTitle: TStaticText;
    Reset: TSpeedButton;
    WinX: TStaticText;
    WinY: TStaticText;
    Memo1: N:A;
    IntervalTrack: TTrackBar;
    ClickInterval: TStaticText;
    Timer1: TTimer;
    SaveMan: N:A;
    procedure IntervalTrackChange(Sender : TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender : TObject);
    procedure ResetClick(Sender : TObject);
    procedure Timer1Timer(Sender : TObject);
    procedure SaveManClick(Sender : TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }
  end ;

  Form1: Form1;

{This file is generated by DeDe Ver 3.50.02 Copyright (c) 1999-2002 DaFixer}


{$R *.DFM}

procedure Form1.IntervalTrackChange(Sender : TObject);
0042F078   55                     push    ebp
0042F079   8BEC                   mov     ebp, esp
0042F07B   6A00                   push    $00
0042F07D   53                     push    ebx
0042F07E   8BD8                   mov     ebx, eax
0042F080   33C0                   xor     eax, eax
0042F082   55                     push    ebp

* Possible String Reference to: 'éä@ýÿëð[Y]ËÀ¡lC'
0042F083   68DBF04200             push    $0042F0DB

***** TRY
0042F088   64FF30                 push    dword ptr fs:[eax]
0042F08B   648920                 mov     fs:[eax], esp
0042F08E   8D55FC                 lea     edx, [ebp-$04]

* Reference to control Form1.IntervalTrack : TTrackBar
0042F091   8B83F0010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F0]

* Reference to field TTrackBar.Position : Integer
0042F097   8B8030010000           mov     eax, [eax+$0130]

* Reference to: Unit_00405A80.Proc_004067C4
0042F09D   E82277FDFF             call    004067C4
0042F0A2   8B55FC                 mov     edx, [ebp-$04]

* Reference to control Form1.ClickInterval : TStaticText
0042F0A5   8B83F4010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F4]

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_00419380()
0042F0AB   E8D0A2FEFF             call    00419380

* Reference to control Form1.IntervalTrack : TTrackBar
0042F0B0   8B83F0010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F0]

* Reference to field TTrackBar.Position : Integer
0042F0B6   8B8030010000           mov     eax, [eax+$0130]

* Reference to control Form1.Timer1 : TTimer
0042F0BC   8B93F8010000           mov     edx, [ebx+$01F8]

* Reference to field TTimer.Tag : Longint
0042F0C2   89420C                 mov     [edx+$0C], eax
0042F0C5   33C0                   xor     eax, eax
0042F0C7   5A                     pop     edx
0042F0C8   59                     pop     ecx
0042F0C9   59                     pop     ecx
0042F0CA   648910                 mov     fs:[eax], edx

****** FINALLY

* Possible String Reference to: '[Y]ËÀ¡lC'
0042F0CD   68E2F04200             push    $0042F0E2
0042F0D2   8D45FC                 lea     eax, [ebp-$04]

* Reference to: System.Proc_00403720
0042F0D5   E84646FDFF             call    00403720
0042F0DA   C3                     ret

* Reference to: System.Proc_004031C4
0042F0DB   E9E440FDFF             jmp     004031C4
0042F0E0   EBF0                   jmp     0042F0D2

****** END
0042F0E2   5B                     pop     ebx
0042F0E3   59                     pop     ecx
0042F0E4   5D                     pop     ebp
0042F0E5   C3                     ret


procedure Form1.FormCreate(Sender : TObject);

* Reference to TApplication instance
0042F0E8   A16C0A4300             mov     eax, dword ptr [$00430A6C]
0042F0ED   8B00                   mov     eax, [eax]

* Reference to Form1
0042F0EF   8B1558174300           mov     edx, [$00431758]

* Reference to field TApplication.OFFS_00C0
0042F0F5   8990C0000000           mov     [eax+$00C0], edx

* Reference to field TApplication.OnDeactivate : TNotifyEvent
0042F0FB   C780BC000000C8EE4200   mov     dword ptr [eax+$00BC], $0042EEC8
0042F105   C3                     ret


procedure Form1.ResetClick(Sender : TObject);
0042F108   53                     push    ebx
0042F109   8BD8                   mov     ebx, eax

* Reference to control Form1.Reset : TSpeedButton
0042F10B   8B83E0010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E0]

* Reference to field TSpeedButton.Down : Boolean
0042F111   80B8C000000000         cmp     byte ptr [eax+$00C0], $00
0042F118   743C                   jz      0042F156
0042F11A   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F11C   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_00419380()
0042F122   E859A2FEFF             call    00419380

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F127   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]
0042F12D   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F12F   89500C                 mov     [eax+$0C], edx

* Reference to control Form1.WinX : TStaticText
0042F132   8B83E4010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E4]
0042F138   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F13A   89500C                 mov     [eax+$0C], edx
0042F13D   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_00419380()
0042F13F   E83CA2FEFF             call    00419380

* Reference to control Form1.WinY : TStaticText
0042F144   8B83E8010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E8]
0042F14A   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F14C   89500C                 mov     [eax+$0C], edx
0042F14F   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_00419380()
0042F151   E82AA2FEFF             call    00419380
0042F156   5B                     pop     ebx
0042F157   C3                     ret


procedure Form1.Timer1Timer(Sender : TObject);
0042F158   53                     push    ebx
0042F159   8BD8                   mov     ebx, eax

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F15B   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F161   83780C00               cmp     dword ptr [eax+$0C], +$00
0042F165   0F84C2000000           jz      0042F22D

* Reference to control Form1.Timer1 : TTimer
0042F16B   8B83F8010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F8]
0042F171   FF400C                 inc     dword ptr [eax+$0C]

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F174   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Color : TColor
0042F17A   81785400FFFF00         cmp     dword ptr [eax+$54], $00FFFF00
0042F181   740A                   jz      0042F18D
0042F183   BA00FFFF00             mov     edx, $00FFFF00

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_004194A8()
0042F188   E81BA3FEFF             call    004194A8

* Reference to control Form1.Timer1 : TTimer
0042F18D   8B83F8010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F8]

* Reference to field TTimer.Tag : Longint
0042F193   8B500C                 mov     edx, [eax+$0C]

* Reference to control Form1.IntervalTrack : TTrackBar
0042F196   8B8BF0010000           mov     ecx, [ebx+$01F0]
0042F19C   3B9130010000           cmp     edx, [ecx+$0130]
0042F1A2   0F8C85000000           jl      0042F22D
0042F1A8   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to field TTimer.Tag : Longint
0042F1AA   89500C                 mov     [eax+$0C], edx

* Reference to control Form1.WinX : TStaticText
0042F1AD   8B83E4010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E4]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1B3   8B400C                 mov     eax, [eax+$0C]

* Reference to control Form1.WinY : TStaticText
0042F1B6   8B93E8010000           mov     edx, [ebx+$01E8]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1BC   8B520C                 mov     edx, [edx+$0C]
0042F1BF   C1E210                 shl     edx, $10
0042F1C2   03C2                   add     eax, edx
0042F1C4   50                     push    eax
0042F1C5   6A00                   push    $00
0042F1C7   6801020000             push    $00000201

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F1CC   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1D2   8B400C                 mov     eax, [eax+$0C]
0042F1D5   50                     push    eax

* Reference to: user32.SendMessageA()
0042F1D6   E87966FDFF             call    00405854
0042F1DB   85C0                   test    eax, eax
0042F1DD   7547                   jnz     0042F226
0042F1DF   6A01                   push    $01

* Reference to: kernel32.Sleep()
0042F1E1   E86661FDFF             call    0040534C

* Reference to control Form1.WinX : TStaticText
0042F1E6   8B83E4010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E4]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1EC   8B400C                 mov     eax, [eax+$0C]

* Reference to control Form1.WinY : TStaticText
0042F1EF   8B93E8010000           mov     edx, [ebx+$01E8]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1F5   8B520C                 mov     edx, [edx+$0C]
0042F1F8   C1E210                 shl     edx, $10
0042F1FB   03C2                   add     eax, edx
0042F1FD   50                     push    eax
0042F1FE   6A00                   push    $00
0042F200   6802020000             push    $00000202

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F205   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F20B   8B400C                 mov     eax, [eax+$0C]
0042F20E   50                     push    eax

* Reference to: user32.SendMessageA()
0042F20F   E84066FDFF             call    00405854
0042F214   BAFFFF0000             mov     edx, $0000FFFF

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F219   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_004194A8()
0042F21F   E884A2FEFF             call    004194A8
0042F224   EB07                   jmp     0042F22D
0042F226   8BC3                   mov     eax, ebx

* Reference to : TApplication._PROC_00426C4C()
0042F228   E81F7AFFFF             call    00426C4C
0042F22D   5B                     pop     ebx
0042F22E   C3                     ret


procedure Form1.SaveManClick(Sender : TObject);
0042F230   55                     push    ebp
0042F231   8BEC                   mov     ebp, esp
0042F233   6A00                   push    $00
0042F235   6A00                   push    $00
0042F237   53                     push    ebx
0042F238   8BD8                   mov     ebx, eax
0042F23A   33C0                   xor     eax, eax
0042F23C   55                     push    ebp

* Possible String Reference to: 'é!?ýÿëë[YY]Ã'
0042F23D   689EF24200             push    $0042F29E

***** TRY
0042F242   64FF30                 push    dword ptr fs:[eax]
0042F245   648920                 mov     fs:[eax], esp
0042F248   8D55F8                 lea     edx, [ebp-$08]

* Reference to TApplication instance
0042F24B   A16C0A4300             mov     eax, dword ptr [$00430A6C]
0042F250   8B00                   mov     eax, [eax]

* Reference to : TApplication._PROC_00428CD8()
0042F252   E8819AFFFF             call    00428CD8
0042F257   8B45F8                 mov     eax, [ebp-$08]
0042F25A   8D55FC                 lea     edx, [ebp-$04]

* Reference to: Unit_00405A80.Proc_0040695C
0042F25D   E8FA76FDFF             call    0040695C
0042F262   8D45FC                 lea     eax, [ebp-$04]

* Possible String Reference to: 'AutoClick_Manual.txt'
0042F265   BAB4F24200             mov     edx, $0042F2B4

* Reference to: System.Proc_004039A4
0042F26A   E83547FDFF             call    004039A4
0042F26F   8B55FC                 mov     edx, [ebp-$04]
0042F272   8B83EC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01EC]
0042F278   8B8030010000           mov     eax, [eax+$0130]
0042F27E   8B08                   mov     ecx, [eax]
0042F280   FF5164                 call    dword ptr [ecx+$64]
0042F283   33C0                   xor     eax, eax
0042F285   5A                     pop     edx
0042F286   59                     pop     ecx
0042F287   59                     pop     ecx
0042F288   648910                 mov     fs:[eax], edx

****** FINALLY

* Possible String Reference to: '[YY]Ã'
0042F28B   68A5F24200             push    $0042F2A5
0042F290   8D45F8                 lea     eax, [ebp-$08]
0042F293   BA02000000             mov     edx, $00000002

* Reference to: System.Proc_00403744
0042F298   E8A744FDFF             call    00403744
0042F29D   C3                     ret

* Reference to: System.Proc_004031C4
0042F29E   E9213FFDFF             jmp     004031C4
0042F2A3   EBEB                   jmp     0042F290

****** END
0042F2A5   5B                     pop     ebx
0042F2A6   59                     pop     ecx
0042F2A7   59                     pop     ecx
0042F2A8   5D                     pop     ebp
0042F2A9   C3                     ret


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