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Antiguo 06-07-2023
jcapitan jcapitan is offline
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jcapitan Va por buen camino
Rutina de desencriptado presenta problemas en alejandría.

Hola amigos buenas tardes, pase de una versión muy anterior de delphi a la versión de alejandría, usaba unas unidades que obtuve indagando en la web sobre encriptación, pero al usarlas en Alejadría me topé con problemas, encripta muy bien pero no a la inversa, es decir desencriptar. Noté que los textos con longitud de 17 a 32, de 65 a 80, ... no tiene problemas, si alguien puede localizar el porqué de este comportamiento de la rutina se lo agradeceré. Gracias. Les dejo los archivos con ejemplo.

Son archivos AES.pas, Mime.pas, Encrypt.pas y el código principal para usar esas unidades.

Coloquen texto menor a 17 de longitud y brincará el error, coloquen texto entre 33 y 64 de longitud y brincará el error......

Archivos Adjuntos
Tipo de Archivo: rar ejemplo.rar (96,7 KB, 9 visitas)
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Antiguo 07-07-2023
Avatar de Casimiro Notevi
Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
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Casimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacularCasimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacular
Seguramente por el cambio de ascii a utf8.
Tendrás que cambiar "String" por "AnsiString", por ejemplo.
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Antiguo 07-07-2023
jcapitan jcapitan is offline
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jcapitan Va por buen camino
Gracias por tu respuesta y ayuda casimiro. Ya cambié a AnsiString y sigue igual. Estoy haciendo todo por entender el código línea a línea, agradezco su apoyo.
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Antiguo 07-07-2023
jcapitan jcapitan is offline
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jcapitan Va por buen camino
Este es el código de las rutinas de base64 (Mime.pas)

Código Delphi [-]
unit Mime;


uses Windows,SysUtils,Classes;

type EMimeError = class(Exception);
     TMimeBytes = array[1..MAXINT] of Byte;
     PMimeBytes = ^TMimeBytes;

function MIMEEncode(P:PMimeBytes;ASize:Integer):String;
function MIMEDeCode(ACode:String;var ADiscard:Integer):TMemoryStream;


type TMimeChars = array[0..63] of Char;
     TMimeMasks = array[1..3] of Byte;

const MimeChars:TMimeChars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
      //array best for encoding purposes
      MimeCodes = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
      //constant string best for decoding purposes
      BankMasks:TMimeMasks = ($03,$0F,$3F);
      //mask to isolate unused bits to bank for later use
      N1:TMimeMasks = ($FC,$F0,$C0);
      //mask to isolate bits to use immediately
      N2:TMimeMasks = ($02,$04,$06);
      {how much right shift to apply to bits for immediate use?
       Given we use the most siginficant bits a shift is ALWAYS
       required - with the first byte because we pick 6 such bits
       and with the subsequent bytes because the bank occupies
       the most significant position}
      N3:TMimeMasks = ($04,$02,0);
      {the banked bits must be shifted left so they are in the
       right position to be combined with bits picked up from the
       next data byte}
      Pads:TMimeMasks = (0,2,1);
      _BMC = 'Invalid Mime Code';

function MIMEEncode(P:PMimeBytes;ASize:Integer):String;
var i,k,ndx,Bank,AOffset:Integer;

  procedure BuildCode;
  var j:Integer;
    for j:=1 to 3 do
      k:=AOffset + j;
      ndx:=(Bank or (P^[k] and N1[j]) shr N2[j]);
      {normally Delphi optimization will get rid of this
       intermediate variable}
      Bank:=(P^[k] and BankMasks[j]) shl N3[j];
      {This is how codes are generated from data bytes

      a. We take the 6 most significant bits from the
         first data byte
      b. We bank the remaining 2 bits for later use.
      c. We take 4 bits from the second byte and combine
         with the 2 banked bits. Note that the banked bits
         become the most significant bits. We bank the remaing
         4 bits from the second bit
      d. We take 2 bits from the third byte and combine
         with the 4 banked bits. Once again, the banked bits
         become the most significant bits

         ANDing with BankMasks helps us locate the bits to bank
         We shift them immediately so they are the most sigificant
         when they are ORd later.

         ANDing with N1 helps us identify the bits to use from the
         current data byte. However, these bits may need to be shifted
         down since it is the bits from the bank that are most significant
         SHRing with N2 helps do this
    if (k <= ASize) then Result:=Format('%s%s',[Result,MimeChars[Bank]]);

  i:=Pads[1 + ASize mod 3];
  //null string if ASize is a multiple of 3
  //= if ASize is 1 short of a multiple of 3
  //== if ASize is 2 short of a multiple of 3

    for k:=1 to i do P^[ASize + k]:=0;
    {/pad the data.

    You must ensure that P is large enough to allow
    upto two additional bytes to be written.

    i:=ASize;AOffset:=0;//we start encoding P^ from offset zero
    while (i > 0) do
  except on E:Exception do raise EMimeError.Create(E.Message) end;

  if (i > 0) then Delete(Result,Length(Result) - i + 1,i);
  {The result at this point may contain terminating A characters
   coming from the padding bytes. We must discard these since there
   is no way to distinguish between real As - those arising from
   true 0 bytes in the original data - and padding As

   1 orphaned byte - data length of 4,7 etc - results in two
   bytes of padding. The resulting three bytes will generate
   two true code characters and two padding As.

   2 orphaned bytes - data length 5, 8 etc - result in one
   byte of padding. The resulting three bytes will generate
   three true code characters and one padding A.

   Can't make sense of the number of true code bytes?
   Think about this

   Writing one true data character requires 6 + 2 bits, i.e. 2 bytes
  Result:=Result + APad;
  {having discarded padding As we repace them with an equivalent
   number of = signs}

function MIMEDeCode(ACode:String;var ADiscard:Integer):TMemoryStream;
var i,ALen,AData:Integer;
    ABytes:array[0..2] of Byte absolute AData;

  case ALen of
    1:ADiscard:=ord(ACode[1] = '=');
    //these two cases should not normally occur
    else case ACode[ALen - 1] of
           '=':if (ACode[ALen] = '=') then ADiscard:=2 else raise EMimeError.Create(_BMC);
           //ACode[ALen - 1] is = and ACode[ALen] is not is not leagal
           else ADiscard:=ord(ACode[ALen] = '=');

  if (ADiscard > 0) then
    Delete(ACode,ALen - ADiscard + 1,ADiscard);
    //remove the padding indicators
    ACode:=ACode + StringOfChar('A',ADiscard);
    //replace them with the 0 byte MIME code - always A


   for i:=ALen downto 1 do if (Pos(ACode[i],MimeCodes) = 0) then Delete(ACode,i,1);
  //strip out anything that is not a legal MIME code

  while (i <= ALen) do


    AData:=Pos(ACode[i + 3],MimeCodes) - 1 +
           (Pos(ACode[i + 2],MimeCodes) - 1) shl 6 +
           (Pos(ACode[i + 1],MimeCodes) - 1) shl 12 +
           (Pos(ACode[i],MimeCodes) - 1) shl 18;
    {Each code character represents 6 bits in the original data.
     We pick sets of four such characters and rebuild 3 bytes,
     24 bits of those original data.}
    {Having done so, we write the data back. A complication -
     the order in which we have rebuilt the data is back to
     front. Here we are fixing this by simply writing the
     three individual bytes separately in correct order. Other
     solutions do exist - in our view, not worth implementing}

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Antiguo 07-07-2023
Avatar de Casimiro Notevi
Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
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Casimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacularCasimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacular
Si usas caracteres ascii funciona bien. Si usas acentuadas, eñes, etc. hay que hacer algunos cambios.
Sólo he cambiado algunos "String" por "AnsiString" y algunos "Pos" por "AnsiPos".

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Tipo de Archivo: zip (3,33 MB, 10 visitas)
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Antiguo 07-07-2023
jcapitan jcapitan is offline
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jcapitan Va por buen camino
Gracias Casimiro por tu tiempo en apoyarme. Sucede que sigue reventando el código, si es 1 2 3 4 caracteres y con mas "ñ" no se desencripta bien. Sigo leyendo sobre esto en varias fuentes. Gracias.

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