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Antiguo 18-07-2014
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Microsoft prepara recorte de 18 mil empleados

Club Delphi,

Empezado por UnoCero
Esta semana se reveló que Microsoft podría estar próximo a un importante recorte de personal, pero la cifra de despidos que se estimó no estaba siquiera cercana a la realidad. La compañía anunció que para 2015 habrá 18 mil empleados menos en esta compañía que opera en todo el mundo...Ya que la fuerza laboral de Microsoft tras la compra de Nokia alcanzó los 127,104 empleados, el recorte anunciado el día de hoy implicará un despido de poco más del 14% de su personal, y se espera que ayude a la empresa a lograr el esperado cambio para enfocarse en la industria Móvil y de Cloud Computing que son los dos nuevos objetivos a perseguir por Microsoft.
Ver la noticia completa en : Microsoft prepara recorte de 18 mil empleados

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Antiguo 18-07-2014
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Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
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Es que se resisten a sacar: "WindowX 1 - The free evolution starts now"
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Antiguo 18-07-2014
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[nlsgarcia] nlsgarcia is offline
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Empezado por Casimiro
Es que se resisten a sacar: "WindowX 1 - The free evolution starts now"
¿Te imaginas si Microsoft saca un SO Free, que este inspirado no basado en Linux y que sea binariamente compatible con Windows x32, x64 y .Net?

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Antiguo 18-07-2014
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mamcx mamcx is offline
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Empezado por nlsgarcia Ver Mensaje
¿Te imaginas si Microsoft saca un SO Free...
Eso es un absurdo. MS vive del software. Para que pudiera dar gratis el OS tendria que hacer parte de un combo (ej: Xbox).

Es extraño la idea de que el software que se cobra es algo maligno, en especial entre programadores.

Ahora el problema de MS no es que cobre su software, es que tiene un grave problema de estrategia:
El malabarista.
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Antiguo 18-07-2014
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Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
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Empezado por mamcx Ver Mensaje
Eso es un absurdo. MS vive del software. Para que pudiera dar gratis el OS tendria que hacer parte de un combo (ej: Xbox).
Es extraño la idea de que el software que se cobra es algo maligno, en especial entre programadores.
Ahora el problema de MS no es que cobre su software, es que tiene un grave problema de estrategia:
¿En dónde has visto que sea gratis?, pone free, de libre
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Antiguo 18-07-2014
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Empezado por mamcx
...Eso es un absurdo...MS vive del software...
Canonical también vive del Software, la pregunta es : ¿Podría Microsoft vivir del Software como Canonical en lo que a SO se refiere?


Última edición por nlsgarcia fecha: 18-07-2014 a las 18:26:19.
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Antiguo 18-07-2014
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mamcx mamcx is offline
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Empezado por nlsgarcia Ver Mensaje
¿Podría Microsoft vivir del Software como Canonical en lo que a SO se refiere?
Mmmm... claro, si quiere estar en tan mala situacion financiera como canonical? Seguro:


Una cosa que muchos ignoran constantemente con el asunto del "free" es que lo mas *común* es que quienes distribuyen software free (mas alla del entusiasta) tipicamente tiene un musculo financiero que subsidia la operación. Canonical? Buen tiene un multimillonario detras echandole plata:

Canonical's quest to become profitable has been a source of discussion for Ubuntu users for years. Canonical turning a profit would signify that the platform itself could be sustainable even without a rich benefactor.
Puede que el tema de dar un software free y vivir de soporte funcione (en especial para tener una empresa mediana) pero en la *realidad* no hay muchos ejemplos de éxito (y que no dependan de que haya un(os) "rico benefactor" detrás). El otro modelo, es vivir de publicidad (y cuantos casos de exito real hay de eso, tambien?) y no creo que esten pensando en tener windows con mensajes de publicidad todo el tiempo, o aguantar perdidas y amasar informacion y usuarios para venderla a otros y/o ser absorbido por un grande.

Y en el caso de MS? Es aun mas absurdo, porque el es uno de esos grandes. El solo negocio del licenciamiento del OS es tan grande que es mas grande que muchas empresas:

As has been the norm for the last few years, Microsoft’s commercial operations continue to do very well. Commercial Licensing (Windows, SQL Server, Hyper-V) revenue grew 7% to $11 billion, with profits up 8% to $10 billion (eso son 10.000 millones de dolares) (now that’s what I call a profit margin!) Windows volume licensing grew by 10%, on the back of continued growth of Windows 7 and new commercial PC purchases.
Asi que si MS decide tirar a la basura 10.000 millones de dolares, con que lo reemplaza? Esto es algo que hay que responder no con una ideologia, sino con algo mas real. Que verdadera alternativa proponen?
El malabarista.
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Antiguo 18-07-2014
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Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
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Empezado por mamcx
...dar un software free y vivir de soporte
Por un oido entra y por el otro sale

Free de libre, no de gratis.

Redhat, suse, ubuntu, firefox... y todos los grandes usan linux: ibm, cray, hp, oracle, hitachi, fujitsu, etc. y todos pagan, aunque sea software libre.
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Antiguo 18-07-2014
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Empezado por mamcx
...Mmmm...claro, si quiere estar en tan mala situación financiera como Canonical?...Esto es algo que hay que responder no con una ideología, sino con algo mas real. Que verdadera alternativa proponen?...
Es complicado , todo depende de como evolucione el mercado informático, pero hay algo que debe ser considerado, Windows no es el único SO en el mercado y eventualmente Windows sera sustituido, quizás por la propia Microsoft (Muy probable), quizás por Linux (Es una posibilidad), o quizás por algo nuevo , es por ello que Microsoft debe plantearse nuevos escenarios a futuro, pero ciertamente en estos momentos un SO Free no es una opción para Microsoft.

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Empezado por ADSL Zone
...los rumores apuntan que en Windows 9 ya podríamos ver algunas características de Midori, y sería en una versión posterior cuando realmente se presentaría en sociedad...

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Antiguo 19-07-2014
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poliburro Va por buen camino
Empezado por mamcx Ver Mensaje
Es extraño la idea de que el software que se cobra es algo maligno, en especial entre programadores.
Es que muchos de esos programadores cuando se trata de comprar software todo lo quieren gratis o libre. Pero a la hora de cobrar por su trabajo les gusta incar el diente.
Conoce mi blog

Última edición por poliburro fecha: 19-07-2014 a las 00:27:24. Razón: equivoqué la palabra pagar y la cambio por cobrar
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Antiguo 19-07-2014
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[nlsgarcia] nlsgarcia is offline
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Empezado por nlsgarcia
¿Te imaginas si Microsoft saca un SO Free?...¿Podría Microsoft vivir del Software como Canonical en lo que a SO se refiere?..Microsoft debe plantearse nuevos escenarios a futuro...

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Empezado por eweek
Windows 9 Needs to Be Free: 10 Reasons Why

Windows 8 will soon have an operating system breathing down its neck, according to a report from WinSuperSite.
Microsoft will unveil the latest version of Windows, the successor to the much-maligned Windows 8, at the Build 2014 developer conference this April in San Francisco. According to WinSuperSite's Paul Thurrott, the operating system, currently code-named "Threshold," predictably will be called Windows 9. The assumption is that Microsoft will be ready to launch Windows 9 in 2015. If it launches on time, Microsoft should make a very un-Microsoft move that will shock some, excite others and potentially cause panic among its investors: turn Windows free. The time has come for Microsoft to stop licensing the software to OEMs and finally offer it at no charge to its PC partners and consumers. It might sound counterintuitive for a software company to give away its operating system software for free, especially since it's been regarded as the corporate crown jewels, but the market is changing. And now more than ever, vendors want to know that Microsoft is willing to make a bold move to improve their standing in a hostile PC market. And to do that, Windows 9 should be offered for free. Here is why it might be a good move at the right time.

1- Intel CPUs to Support Windows and Android
At the Consumer Electronics Show last week, Intel announced that in 2014, its processors will support both Windows and Android running on a single chip. A single push of a button will allow users to switch between the operating systems. If Intel's Dual OS initiative takes off, Microsoft could be in for trouble. Intel has a massive footprint in the computing space, and Microsoft needs that company's loyalty to be successful. Offering Windows for free will make it at least a bit more appealing to vendors who might question why they're paying so much for an operating system when they can get their hands on Android for free and attract mobile customers.

2- It Would Follow Apple's Move With OS X
Apple is offering its operating system at no charge from here on out. Of course, some say that Apple is really bundling the price of the operating system into its hardware, which is a valid point, but psychologically, consumers think they're getting software for free. Apple's decision to turn OS X free was a customer-friendly move, and it might be worth it to Microsoft to show it's willing to make that move as well.

3- Windows 8 Is Another Vista
It's hard to call Windows 8 anything other than a flop. According to research firm IHS, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 have a combined market share of about 9 percent. To turn things around, making its operating system free might entice more folks to adopt the software. The move might also make vendors feel a little better about bundling a new Microsoft OS into their hardware products. After all, if the last platform they paid for didn't work out, who's to say the next one will? Making Windows 9 free might make it easier to take that risk.

4- Preserve Office Revenue
When evaluating Microsoft's financial performance, one comes to a single conclusion very quickly: Office is the most important business Microsoft has. Microsoft's Office accounts for the bulk of the company's revenue and profits and has been able to overcome dips in the market, in large part because of its necessity in the enterprise. The last thing Microsoft needs is to see Windows adoption slide and Office revenue fall off. The right move is to offer Windows for free to bolster market share and keep generating cash on Office.

5- Windows Is the Gateway
Microsoft is trying to create an ecosystem of products that keep people locked into its services. That means the company wants folks to use Internet Explorer, invest in Office 365, find value in the Xbox Store and use Bing. The only way that will happen is if Microsoft can keep us running Windows. The operating system has always been, and always will be, the gateway to Microsoft's many other services. Looking ahead, Microsoft's business model might need to focus on monetizing those other services and using Windows as a vehicle to get folks to them. Making Windows free will make that easier.

6- Just Ask Ballmer
Perhaps the best rationale for making Windows free came from outgoing Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. In an open letter to employees last summer, Ballmer wrote that "the form and delivery of our value will shift to devices and services versus packaged software." Ballmer's point was well-taken. In order for Microsoft to truly be successful in the future, selling software won't be nearly as important as selling services and hardware. Maybe we should all listen to Ballmer.

7- Adoption Rates Should Improve
There's nothing wrong with going free. In fact, in many cases, offering software at no charge can improve adoption rates. Back in November, NetMarketShare revealed that Apple's free operating system, OS X Mavericks, was already running on 11 percent of Macs. It took the operating system just 10 days to reach that level. In comparison, OS X Mountain Lion couldn't get to that point for a month when it launched. In a world where budgets are still tight, offering products for free tends to improve adoption.

8- Can Chrome OS Become a Concern?
Chrome OS is quietly becoming a concern for Microsoft. Although Windows dwarfs the operating system's overall market share, last year Google's free OS was running on 10 percent of all computers and tablets sold in the U.S. Just a year prior, Chromebooks accounted for 0.2 percent of all sales. When just laptops are factored in, Chromebooks accounted for 21 percent of all notebook sales in 2013, according to research firm NPD. For PC vendors, the news couldn't be better. Chrome OS is cheaper to deploy, the devices are just as nice as Windows counterparts, and margins in many cases are higher. It's time for Microsoft to respond. And the best way for Microsoft to respond is to make Windows free to PC vendors.

9- PC Vendors Don't Seem Loyal
Speaking of PC vendors, no discussion on turning Windows free would be complete without at least acknowledging that the companies aren't exactly loyal. Acer, Samsung, Dell and others are all venturing into new software territories with Chrome OS and Android. And with Intel now making it easier for PC vendors, who are dealing with sluggish sales, to bundle Android, Microsoft might see Windows running in dual-boot environments far more than it would like. Making Windows free might prompt at least some PC vendors to remain loyal to Windows. After all, Windows is still far and away the most popular operating system in the world.

10- An Office 365 'Out'?
There's no debating that if Microsoft distributed Windows 9 for free, the company would take a heavy financial hit. But what if Microsoft did it differently? What if Microsoft found a way to bundle "free" Windows updates into Office 365? The company could bump the price on Office 365, since it's offering more value, and customers would be pleased to find they can get free Windows upgrades in addition to Office programs. As noted earlier, Apple is able to hide its OS pricing in its hardware margins. Why shouldn't Microsoft do the same with subscription-based services like Office 365?

Tomado de : Windows 9 Needs to Be Free: 10 Reasons Why
El analisis anterior es un posible escenario del futuro de Windows 9 en función de la evolución del mercado informático, producto del auge de los SO Android y Chrome, los nuevos procesadores Intel Dual OS, el desarrollo de Servicios en Cloud Computing, la caida en las ventas de PCs, la proliferación de nuevos dispositivos moviles (Tablets, SmartPhones, UltraBooks, Wearables) y el fracaso que ha significado Windows Vista y Windows 8 para Microsoft.

Este escenario tiene sentido a nivel económico para Microsoft (Hace competitivo a Windows en el mercado informático) y no habla especificamente de los SO Windows Servers, los cuales seguiran siendo una importante fuente de ingreso para la compañia, sin embargo en mi opinión personal quizás la oferta de un SO Free por parte de Microsoft se retrase hasta la llegada del sustituto de Windows : Midori, el tiempo lo dirá

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