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Antiguo 14-10-2005
rounin rounin is offline
Registrado: sep 2005
Posts: 43
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rounin Va por buen camino
Hola, roman,
(6) I meant that I could forget about something

Mix-in classes is particular case of the multiple ihneritance.
When you don't want to use interface references,
and don't need the automatic life time management,
but want to add to your classes some different
orthogonal functionalities.

Mix-in interfaces allow make the interface of the base class compact.

Código Delphi [-]
  //Base class for mix-in support. Disables reference counting
  TMixInBase = class(TPersistent, IUnknown)
    function TInterfacedObject.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
    //const E_NOINTERFACE = HResult($80004002);
    //  if GetInterface(IID, Obj)
    //    then Result := 0
    //    else Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
    function TInterfacedObject._AddRef: Integer;
    //  Result := -1;
    function TInterfacedObject._Release: Integer;
    //  Result := -1;
  TSomeBaseObject = class(TMixInBase)


  // Some of descendant of the TSomeBaseObject have name, other don't have.
  IName = interface
    function GetName: string;
    procedure SetName(const AName: string);

  // Some of descendant of the TSomeBaseObject can create clone
  ICloneable = interface
    function Clone: TSomeBaseObject;

  // Some of descendant of the TSomeBaseObject can write their data to a stream
  IStreamable = interface
    procedure SaveData(Dest: TStream);
    procedure LoadData(Src: TStream);

  // Some of descendant of the TSomeBaseObject have child objects
  TChildProc = procedure(Child: TSomeBaseObject) of object;
  IComposite = interface
    procedure GetChildren(Proc: TChildProc);

  // Some of descendant of the TSomeBaseObject have an active area
  IHitTest = interface
    function HitTest(const Point: TPoint): Boolean;

  TSomeDescendant = class(TSomeBaseObject, IName, ICloneable, IStreamable)

  TOtherDescendant = class(TSomeBaseObject, IComposite, IStreamable)


// When you work with mix-in interfaces, you must use only local
// variables and must never save interface references in the
// global variables or object members.
// For example:

function GetName(Obj: TSomeBaseObject): string;
var intf: IName;
  if Obj.GetInterface(IName, intf)
    then Result := intf.GetName
    else Result := '';

function Clone(Obj: TSomeBaseObject): TSomeBaseObject;
var intf: ICloneable;
  if Obj.GetInterface(ICloneable, intf)
    then Result := intf.Clone
    else raise Exception.Create('Object does''nt support ICloneable');
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