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Antiguo 10-03-2004
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[Lepe] Lepe is offline
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Undeclared identifier resDouble (TQrExpr)


How do I check the value of QRExpr control at runtime?


The "Value" property of a TQRExpr component is of type TQREvResult, which is defined in qrprntr.pas. You can check "Value.Kind" to see what the datatype is. The following table shows how to retrieve the results of the expression based on the value of "Value.Kind"

If Value.Kind = resInt then the results of the expression are in Value.IntResult
If Value.Kind = resDouble then the results of the expression are in Value.DblResult
If Value.Kind = resString then the results of the expression are in Value.StrResult (defined as string[255])
If Value.Kind = resBool then the results of the expression are in Value.BooResult
If Value.Kind = resError then the expression had an error
tengo en el uses la dichosa qrprntr, qrctrls, quickrep y sigue sin reconocer el 'resdouble'
var i,j :Integer;
    Band : TQRcustomBand;
  Band := Rpt.Bands.DetailBand;
  for j:=0 to Band.ControlCount -1 do
    with TQRExpr(Band.Controls[j]) do
        if Value.Kind = resdouble  then
          Mask := '#,##0.00';
¿qué estoy haciendo mal?

Uso Qreport que viene con delphi 6 Empresarial, version 3

Gracias por vuestro tiempo
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Antiguo 10-03-2004
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SnaKe SnaKe is offline
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El uses que debes colocar para que te reconozca resDouble o cualquier otro de las constantes que indicabas es: QrExpr

Espero que te sirva.

Un saludo.
Todos somos aficionados. La vida es tan corta que no da para más.
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Antiguo 10-03-2004
Avatar de Lepe
[Lepe] Lepe is offline
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Lepe Va por buen camino
Gracias, me sirvió

como el TqrExpr viene en el qrctrls, pensaba que estaba todo ahí.

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