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Antiguo 06-12-2016
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[Delphius] Delphius is offline
Miembro Premium
Registrado: jul 2004
Ubicación: Salta, Argentina
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Delphius Va camino a la fama
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No hay que ser más papistas que el papa.
Insisto que es una tontería preocuparse por esas cosas, ¿acaso alguno de nosotros indica la licencia de cada uno de los componentes que ha usado en un programa? Estoy seguro de que la respuesta es no, en el 100% de los casos.
Ahora bien, si estamos hablando de un software que va a ser usado por millones de personas por todo el mundo, ahí sí hay que tener cuidado con la licencia a emplear. Lo demás es preocuparse por nada.
hubiC uses the following third party libraries:

Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Peter Palotas, Alexandr Normuradov

Copyright (c) 2007 James Newton-King

Copyright (c) 2011 Topten Software

Reactive Extensions
Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.

SQLite 3

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Binaries of this product have been made available to you by the Mozilla Project under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL). Know your rights.
All of the source code to this product is available under licenses which are both free and open source. A URL identifying the specific source code used to create this copy can be found on the build configuration page, and you can read instructions on how to download and build the code for yourself.
More specifically, most of the source code is available under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL). The MPL has a FAQ to help you understand it. The remainder of the software which is not under the MPL is available under one of a variety of other free and open source licenses. Those that require reproduction of the license text in the distribution are given below. (Note: your copy of this product may not contain code covered by one or more of the licenses listed here, depending on the exact product and version you choose.)
Y más abajo están incluídas sus respectivos textos de cada licencia.

Solo por mencionar algunos ejemplos.
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