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Antiguo 16-07-2010
Avatar de Casimiro Notevi
Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
Registrado: sep 2004
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Posts: 32.101
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Casimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacularCasimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacular
En mi malísimo inglés ayudado por el traductor de google, me ha parecido muy importante lo que dice, lo copio aquí:

Empezado por Nick Hodges
Folks --

There have been some rumors floating around, and I wanted to set things

I was let go by Embarcadero on Monday. This wasn't my decision.

About twenty years ago, a friend in the Navy gave me a copy of Tom
Swan's Mastering Turbo Pascal series, and right from the start, I loved
the elegance and beauty of it. I taught myself, and I used Borland
Pascal for Windows to write what was possibly the world's crappiest

Then Delphi came along, and I was totally hooked. I loved it. The
beauty of the VCL, the speed of the compiler, the awesome design-time
experience -- it was quite intoxicating. I was fortunate enough to get
on the beta, which allowed me to get smart enough to stumbled my way on
to TeamB. I became what Guy Kawasaki calls a "customer evangelist". I
attended my first Borcon in 1995, I became a Borcon speaker, and then
even a Borcon Advisory Board member. I'd like to think that you could
say that there was no greater or more passionate Delphi fan and
supporter than I -- except maybe for Dr. Bob.

In 2006 I moved my family half way across the country to become the
Delphi Product Manager. Later, I moved over to be R&D Manager, a job I
truly loved. Working at a place that raises your IQ 20 points just by
walking in the door is terrific. During my time with the company, I
continued to be a tireless advocate for Delphi, for CodeGear and then
Embarcadero, for the development team, and for you customers. I pretty
much ate, breathed, and slept Delphi.

It's a real bummer that there no longer room at Embarcadero for
Delphi's biggest supporter -- again, with props to Dr. Bob

Obviously, moving forward, I'm going to have to cast a wide net to find
a position, so I don't know if I'll be able to remain a "direct" member
of the community. (That may actually please some of you, I know.
) But Delphi is still the best and coolest development tool around. It
will easily survive the loss of one guy. I won't be posting as much
here in the coming weeks, I don't think, but I'll be around. And of
course, if anyone has any job leads, please let me know. I've got
lots of time for interviews.


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