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Antiguo 29-03-2010
Avatar de Casimiro Notevi
Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
Registrado: sep 2004
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Casimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacularCasimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacular
Y esta es la licencia de fibplus en el 2001
The FIBPlus Trustware License is based on the Trustware License of CPS -
Computer Programming Solutions of Mesa Arizona USA.

FIBPlus is based on FIBComponents by Gregory Deatz (
The author of FIBPlus is Sergey Buzadzhy (

FIBPlus is a trustware product

FIBPlus is distributed in sources and we have no opportunity to control
completely how the library is used. It means that the use of the library mainly
is based on our trust to the FIBPlus users. But we permit generous registration
of various licenses which regulate the rights of the FIBPlus users.

Evaluation License

If you have an evaluation version then these files and any of their contents should be
redistributed only together in their original form.

Modifications must be approved by the Devrace company. The evaluation version may be
freely distributed without our permission but it can not be used for commercial purpose
(that is for getting profit).

We want to encourage the distribution of the evaluation version as much as we can.

Registered License

Registration of a purchased license is valid only for the developer in whose name the
original registration was made or, in a case where ownership was transferred, the
developer to whom it was transferred. Site licenses may also be negotiated at substantial
savings to cover departments or small organizations.

If there are other developers in your organization who will use the source or components
please ensure that each individual has a license properly registered to his or her name.

You can not use FIBPlus as a base for products which may be considered to compete with
FIBPlus in some capacity. Please contact the Devrace Company if you have any
questions regarding this.

By purchasing commercial license the developer gets a right for commercial use of FIBPlus,
its new versions and changes realized during one year after registration. That is all new
versions and changes realized during one year after registration automatically become
registered. The commercial use of the registered copy is limited by the terms of this
license and can last for an unlimited period. The developer also gets special discounts
for prolonging the term of the license. Please contact the Devrace Company if you have
any questions regarding this.

Free Licensing

We permit generous registration of various free licenses. The concept is that all who use
FIBPlus for commercial purposes, including as employees of a company that engages in
developing products or services for in-house or commercial use, who do not in some way
contribute to the FIBPlus product, shall be required to purchase licensing for commercial
use. All others may inquire about being granted a free license.

We may permit a commercial license to be registered free of charge, until the project turns
out to be profitable, at which time the license would be purchased after the fact. If you
can't make a profit using FIBPlus then we don't feel you should have to pay for it.

There is no charge for access to these components and their sources for those who will not
be profiting financially by their use or for those who are contributing to it. For example,
this may include but is not limited to:
* People wanting to extend their skills in their free time.
* Students or instructors wanting to use them for educational curriculum.
* Non-profit organizations.
* Religious organizations.
* Open source projects that are not geared towards returning financial profits to their
developers, either directly or indirectly.
* Individuals or organizations contributing support in the various public forums, bug
cases and fixes, enhancements, new components or controls, sample applications,
tutorials, "How To ..." articles, marketing materials for promoting FIBPlus, etc.

These tools are distributed AS IS for use at your own risk. No damages as a direct or
indirect result of using this product can be claimed or litigated against the provider.

2001, Devrace Company
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