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Antiguo 30-08-2006
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Federico Firenze
Registrado: may 2003
Ubicación: Buenos Aires, Argentina *
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¿Qué quiere decir situarlo en posición absoluta?
Me refería a esto...
If MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE value is specified, dx and dy contain normalized absolute coordinates between 0 and 65,535. The event procedure maps these coordinates onto the display surface. Coordinate (0,0) maps onto the upper-left corner of the display surface, (65535,65535) maps onto the lower-right corner.

If the MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE value is not specified, dx and dy specify relative motions from when the last mouse event was generated (the last reported position). Positive values mean the mouse moved right (or down); negative values mean the mouse moved left (or up)
como diferencia de SetCursorPos

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