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raai 25-07-2013 17:30:12

Duda sobre que producto adquirir de embarcadero
He estado viendo los productos de embarcadero y la verdad es que no se por cual inclinarme si adquirir Delphi X4 o RAD studio X4.

Espero me puedan orientar para poder adquirir un producto.

Casimiro Notevi 25-07-2013 18:22:08

Hola raai, antes de nada debes decidir para qué lo vas a usar, qué quieres hacer, a qué sistema irá dirigido, etc.
También qué base de datos vas a usar (si vas a usar bases de datos), qué componentes, etc.

movorack 25-07-2013 18:50:22


En realidad RAD Studio es una suite y Delphi XE4 es parte de ella. Por eso como te dice Casimiro, debes establecer si realmente necesitas toda la suite o solo el Delphi.


Empezado por Embarcadero
What does RAD Studio include?

Delphi XE4 – Delphi® XE4 is the multi-device, easy-to-use app development solution to create true native apps for PCs, tablets, and smartphones and get them to market and to users fast.
C++Builder XE4 – C++Builder® XE4 is the multi-device, standards-based app development solution for Windows and Mac using a single C++ codebase.
HTML5 Builder - HTML5 Builder is the developer force multiplier – the fastest way to deliver your web and mobile apps, using a single HTML5, CSS3, PHP and JavaScript codebase.
DB PowerStudio XE3.5 Dev Edition (in Ultimate edition only) – DB PowerStudio provides fast SQL database development, database change management, SQL profiling, and SQL tuning.
ER/Studio 9.5 Developer Edition (in Architect edition only) - ER/Studio helps data architects discover, document, and re-use data assets and gives you the power to easily reverse-engineer, analyze, and optimize existing databases.
InterBase XE3 Developer Edition and InterBase XE3 ToGo (in Professional edition and above) – InterBase Developer Edition provides developers with the best cross-platform database to build and test database applications for embedded and SME applications.
IBLite database for iOS with free deployment license (in Professional with Mobile Add-On, Enterprise, Ultimate and Architect editions) – Use this new edition of InterBase in your iOS apps and deploy free. InterBase ToGo for iOS is also available (sold separately) for developers who want a more feature rich database to embed in their apps.
Additional Tools – RAD Studio includes a comprehensive set of additional tools to help you do more than ever before:
FastReport VCL 4 RAD edition from Fast Reports so you can quickly design and generate reports
Documentation Insight Express from DevJET Software helps you visually read and write XML documentation in the Delphi IDE
TeeChart Standard from Steema provides quick and easy-to-use charting components
VCL for the Web (IntraWeb) from AtoZed is a complete RAD Web Application framework
CodeSite Express logging tools for building quality applications
AQtime Standard from SmartBear for performance profiling
Beyond Compare Text Compare lets you view differences between source files
Partner Software – RAD Studio users have access to a variety of free and trial editions of tools and components from Embarcadero Technology Partners accessible online from the Embarcadero developer network.

Aunque... Al comprar Delphi XE4, dependiendo de la edición que elijas vienen otros productos con el


Empezado por Empbarcadero
What does Delphi include?

Delphi XE4 – Delphi XE4is the easy to learn multi-device solution for developing across iOS, Windows, and Mac with a single codebase and script-free Intel/ARM native performance.

DB PowerStudio XE3.5 Dev edition (in Ultimate edition only) – DB PowerStudio provides fast SQL database development, database change management, SQL profiling, and SQL tuning

ER/Studio 9.5 Developer Edition (in Architect edition only) – ER/Studio helps data architects discover, document, and re-use data assets and gives you the power to easily reverse-engineer, analyze, and optimize existing databases.

InterBase XE3 Developer Edition and InterBase XE3 ToGo (in Professional edition and above) – InterBase Developer Edition provides developers with the best cross-platform database to build and test database applications for embedded and SME applications.

IBLite database for iOS with free deployment license (in Professional with Mobile Add-On, Enterprise, Ultimate and Architect editions) – Use this new edition of InterBase in your iOS apps and deploy free. InterBase ToGo for iOS is also available (sold separately) for developers who want a more feature rich database to embed in their apps.

Additional Tools – Delphi includes a comprehensive set of additional tools to help you do more than ever before. These are generally special editions of the tools created to be bundled with Delphi and the feature sets may differ from the full commercial versions.

FastReport VCL 4 RAD edition from Fast Reports so you can quickly design and generate reports
Documentation Insight Express from DevJET Software helps you visually read and write XML documentation in the Delphi IDE
TeeChart Standard from Steema provides quick and easy-to-use charting components
CodeSite Express logging tools for building quality applications
AQtime Standard from SmartBear for performance profiling
Beyond Compare Text Compare lets you view differences between source files
IntraWeb from Atozed for building web applications in the same way you build Delphi applications
Partner Software – Delphi users have access to a variety of free and trial editions of tools and components from Embarcadero Technology Partners accessible online from the Embarcadero developer network.

Mas información:
RAD Studio FAQ
Delphi FAQ

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