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vroa74 27-03-2007 20:59:02

insercion en ado
estoy modificando un codigo que me dieron, solo que no tengo la menor idea de que hacer con este codigo.
Para entrar mas en tema le comento.
no se como hace la insecion de los datos y la verdad no tengo idea.
debo insertar datos [integer,string,date,memo,time.]

Código Delphi [-]
function miDB.ag_ejemplo(ejemplo: TTejemplo): Integer;
  mio: TADODataSet;
  tptStream: TMemoryStream;
  id: Integer;
  // get DB data and append one row
  mio := TADODataSet.Create(nil);
  mio.Connection := connection;
  mio.CursorType := ctStatic;
  mio.LockType := ltOptimistic;
  mio.CommandText := 'SELECT * FROM MyData';
  tptStream := TMemoryStream.Create();
  tptStream.write(template.tpt^, template.size);

  (mio.FieldByName('template') as  TBlobField).LoadFromStream(tptStream);
(mio.FieldByName('nombres') as  Tstring).????????????????????????????
(mio.FieldByName('apaterno') as  Tstring).????????????????????????????
(mio.FieldByName('amaterno') as  Tstring).????????????????????????????
(mio.FieldByName('fecha') as  Tdate).????????????????????????????
(mio.FieldByName('cp.') as  Tinteger).????????????????????????????
(mio.FieldByName('id_control') as  Tinteger).????????????????????????????
(mio.FieldByName('nombres') as  Tstring).????????????????????????????
  // get the ID of enrolled template.
  id := mio.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger;

  ag_ejemplo := id;
Muchas gracias por su ayuda.

vroa74 28-03-2007 00:13:27

ya solucione mi problema.

Código Delphi [-]function miDB.ag_ejemplo(ejemplo: TTejemplo): Integer; var mio: TADODataSet; tptStream: TMemoryStream; id: Integer; begin // get DB data and append one row mio := TADODataSet.Create(nil); mio.Connection := connection; mio.CursorType := ctStatic; mio.LockType := ltOptimistic; mio.CommandText := 'SELECT * FROM MyData'; mio.Open(); mio.Append(); tptStream := TMemoryStream.Create(); tptStream.write(template.tpt^, template.size); (mio.FieldByName('template') as TBlobField).LoadFromStream(tptStream); //****************************************************** mio.FieldByName('nombres').AsString := template.Tnombres; mio.FieldByName('apaterno').AsString := template.Tapaterno; mio.FieldByName('amaterno').AsString := template.Tamaterno; mio.FieldByName('fecha').AsDateTime:= template.Tfecha; mio.FieldByName('direccion').AsString := template.Tdireccion; mio.FieldByName('depto').AsString := template.Tdepto; mio.FieldByName('cp').AsInteger := template.TCP; mio.FieldByName('colonia').AsString := template.Tcolonia; mio.FieldByName('nempleado').AsInteger := template.Tnempleado; //******************************************************; // get the ID of enrolled template. id := mio.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger; tptStream.Free(); mio.Close(); mio.Free(); ag_ejemplo := id; end;

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