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Antiguo 11-10-2005
teatry teatry is offline
Registrado: sep 2005
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teatry Va por buen camino
Como Guardar una pagina web completa, con todo e imagenes

Utilizo El EmbeddedWb y me preguntaba si hay alguna manera de guardar las paginas web en forma completa, incluyendo las imagenes.
gracias de antemano
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Antiguo 11-10-2005
RazoR RazoR is offline
Registrado: sep 2005
Posts: 23
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RazoR Va por buen camino
Googleando encontré ésto, no lo pude testear porque no tengo tiempo. Fijate si te sirve:

Saving Full Internet Explorer pages as MHT...
This is a Delphi conversion of the routine contributed by Onega
found at


Código Delphi [-]
// If you don't have these typelibs, import them.
uses Winndows, ..., ADODB_TLB, CDO_TLB;

// SaveWholePage -
//   Procedure to save entire web page as MHT file.
//   Parameters:
//   AURL - URL for file to be saved
//   AFileName - MHT FileName you want web page saves.
//   AView - Allows you to view the MHT in TWebBrowser
//   AViewer - WebBrowser control to view the page in.
procedure SaveWholePage
 ( AURL:               String
 ; AFileName:       TFileName
 ; AView:              Boolean
 ; AViewer:           TWebBrowser
 LMsg: IMessage;
 LConf: IConfiguration;
 LFlds: Fields;
 LStrm: _Stream;
 LMsg := CoMessage.Create;
 LConf := CoConfiguration.Create;
   LMsg.Configuration := LConf;
   LMsg.CreateMHTMLBody(AURL, cdoSuppressAll, '', '');
   LStrm := LMsg.GetStream;
   LStrm.SaveToFile(AFileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite);
   LMsg := nil;
   LConf := nil;
   LStrm := nil;
   if AView then
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