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Antiguo 16-11-2004
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Unhappy Problemas con TStrings

Hola a todos:

Alguien me podría dar una mano con este error que no se como solucionar. gracias.

[Warning] ManejoArchivos.pas(335): Constructing instance of 'TStrings' containing abstract method 'TStrings.Clear'
[Warning] ManejoArchivos.pas(335): Constructing instance of 'TStrings' containing abstract method 'TStrings.Delete'
[Warning] ManejoArchivos.pas(335): Constructing instance of 'TStrings' containing abstract method 'TStrings.Insert'

328 var
329 Reg: TRegistry;
330 NDeKeys: TStrings;
331 RegkInf: TRegKeyInfo;

333 begin
334 Reg:= TRegistry.Create;
335 NDeKeys:= TStrings.Create;
336 Reg.RootKey:= RootK;
337 Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(KeyPadre);
338 Reg.GetKeyInfo(RegKInf);
339 Reg.GetKeyNames(NDeKeys); <------ Acá me da error
. ---------------------------
. Debugger Exception Notification
. ---------------------------
. Project Projecto.exe raised exception
. class EAbstractError
. with message 'Abstract Error'.
. Process stopped.
. Use Step or Run to continue.
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