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Antiguo 06-03-2017
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[movorack] movorack is offline
Miguel A. Valero
Registrado: feb 2007
Ubicación: Bogotá - Colombia
Posts: 1.346
Reputación: 20
movorack Va camino a la famamovorack Va camino a la fama
Asegurate que tienes las DLL del cliente de Potgres en una ruta accesible.

Empezado por Microolap
In order to run applications using PostgresDAC, the PostgreSQL client library must be available on a computer or a device.
Windows x86
Client library is situated in the %PostgresDAC%\Deploy folder, %PostgresDAC% is the installation directory. It includes the following files:
  • libpq.dll - core PostgreSQL client driver
  • pg_dump.dll - library for TPSQLDump (optional)
  • pg_restore.dll - library for TPSQLRestore (optional)
  • ssleay32.dll - OpenSSL shared library
  • libeay32.dll - OpenSSL shared library

Copy these files to a directory on your PATH environment variable (e.g. Windows\System32) or place them in the directory where the client application is installed.
Microolap PostgresDAC - Documentation - Deployment
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