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Antiguo 11-05-2005
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Question FreeAndNil

De la ayuda de Delphi:

FreeAndNil procedure

Frees an object reference and replaces the reference with nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).
Pointer and address routines
Delphi syntax:
procedure FreeAndNil(var Obj);
C++ syntax:
extern PACKAGE void __fastcall FreeAndNil(void *Obj);
Use FreeAndNil to ensure that a variable is nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++) after you free the object it references. Pass any variable that represents an object as the Obj parameter.
Warning: Obj must be an instance of a TObject descendant.
Entonces... ¿no sería mejor usar siempre ésto en vez del .free?
La violencia es el último recurso del incompetente. (Salvor Hardin)
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