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Antiguo 25-04-2012
JXJ JXJ is offline
Registrado: abr 2005
Posts: 2.475
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JXJ Va por buen camino
a eso casimiro notevi. es por que buscano con que instalador lo hicieron encontre que la toman como gran empresa.
bueno para micaso. el instalador no funciona como el innosetup.

y a mi desesperacion.. de que no instala el postgresql.

una duda. buscando en el codigo de instalacion

hay un vbscript que se encarga de la inicializacion del cluster de base de datos
usando un programa initdb

el codigo llama asi.
' Check the command line
If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 11 Then
Wscript.Echo "Usage: initcluster.vbs <OSUsername> <SuperUsername> <Password> <Install dir> <Data dir> <xlog dir> <Port> <Locale> <Mode> <server_utilization> <workload_profile>"
Wscript.Quit 127
End If

y en el log de instalacion se llama a ese vb con los parametros

Executing cscript //NoLogo "C:\PostgresPlus\8.4AS\installer\server/initcluster.vbs" "enterprisedb" "enterprisedb" "****" "C:\PostgresPlus\8.4AS" "C:\PostgresPlusData" "C:\PostgresPlusData\pg_xlog" 5444 "DEFAULT" "oracle" "66" "oltp"cd
mi problema es aqui

<OSUsername> <SuperUsername> <Password>

"enterprisedb" "enterprisedb" "****"

¿saben que contraseña tiene el usuario enterprisedb ?
por que ahi lo enmascaran y lo crea el instalador.

On Error Resume Next

' Postgres Plus Advanced Server server cluster init script for Windows
' Dave Page, EnterpriseDB

Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2

' Check the command line
If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 11 Then
 Wscript.Echo "Usage: initcluster.vbs <OSUsername> <SuperUsername> <Password> <Install dir> <Data dir> <xlog dir> <Port> <Locale> <Mode> <server_utilization> <workload_profile>"
 Wscript.Quit 127
End If

strOSUsername = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
strUsername = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
strPassword = WScript.Arguments.Item(2)
strInstallDir = WScript.Arguments.Item(3)
strDataDir = WScript.Arguments.Item(4)
strXlogDir = WScript.Arguments.Item(5)
lPort = CLng(WScript.Arguments.Item(6))
strLocale = WScript.Arguments.Item(7)
strDatabaseMode = WScript.Arguments.Item(8)
strServerUtilization = WScript.Arguments.Item(9)
strWorkLoadProfile = WScript.Arguments.Item(10)
strMode=" "

'set database mode to --no-redwood-compat if mode is postgresql
If strDatabaseMode = "postgresql" Then
strMode = "--no-redwood-compat"
End If

' Remove any trailing \'s from the data dir - they will confuse cacls
If Right(strDataDir, 1) = "\" Then
    strDataDir = Left(strDataDir, Len(strDataDir)-1)
End IF
' Remove any trailing \'s from the xlog dir - they will confuse cacls
If Right(strXlogDir, 1) = "\" Then
    strXlogDir = Left(strXlogDir, Len(strXlogDir)-1)
End IF

Dim strInitdbPass
iWarn = 0

' Get temporary filenames
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTempFolder = objFso.GetSpecialFolder(2)
strBatchFile = Replace(objFso.GetTempName, ".tmp", ".bat")
strOutputFile = objTempFolder.Path & "\" & objFso.GetTempName
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Change the current directory to the installation directory
' This is important, because initdb will drop Administrative
' permissions and may lose access to the current working directory
objShell.CurrentDirectory = strInstallDir

' Is this Vista or above?
Function IsVistaOrNewer()
    Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
    Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,48)
    For Each objItem In colItems
        strVersion = Left(objItem.Version, 3)
    If InStr(strVersion, ".") > 0 Then
        majorVersion = CInt(Left(strVersion,  InStr(strVersion, ".") - 1))
    ElseIf InStr(strVersion, ",") > 0 Then
        majorVersion = CInt(Left(strVersion,  InStr(strVersion, ",") - 1))
        majorVersion = CInt(strVersion)
    End If
    If majorVersion >= 6.0 Then
        IsVistaOrNewer = True
        IsVistaOrNewer = False
    End If
End Function

' Execute a command
Function DoCmd(strCmd)
    Set objBatchFile = objTempFolder.CreateTextFile(strBatchFile, True)
    objBatchFile.WriteLine "@ECHO OFF"
    objBatchFile.WriteLine strCmd & " > """ & strOutputFile & """ 2>&1"
	objBatchFile.WriteLine "EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%"
    DoCmd = objShell.Run(objTempFolder.Path & "\" & strBatchFile, 0, True)
    If objFso.FileExists(objTempFolder.Path & "\" & strBatchFile) = True Then
        objFso.DeleteFile objTempFolder.Path & "\" & strBatchFile, True
    End If
    If objFso.FileExists(strOutputFile) = True Then
        Set objOutputFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(strOutputFile, ForReading)
        WScript.Echo objOutputFile.ReadAll
        objFso.DeleteFile strOutputFile, True
    End If
End Function

Sub Die(msg)
    If objFso.FileExists(strInitdbPass) = True Then
        objFso.DeleteFile strInitdbPass, True
    End If
    WScript.Echo msg
    WScript.Quit 1
End Sub

Sub Warn(msg)
    WScript.Echo msg
    iWarn = 2
End Sub

Function CreateDirectory(DirectoryPath)
    If objFso.FolderExists(DirectoryPath) Then Exit Function

    Call CreateDirectory(objFso.GetParentFolderName(DirectoryPath))
End Function

' Create a password file
strInitdbPass = strInstallDir & "\" & objFso.GetTempName
Set objInitdbPass = objFso.OpenTextFile(strInitdbPass, ForWriting, True)
WScript.Echo Err.description

' Create the data directory
If objFso.FolderExists(strDataDir) <> True Then
    If Err.number <> 0 Then
        Die "Failed to create the data directory (" & strDataDir & ")"
    End If
End If

'for default xlog dir, don't pass -X parameter
strXLogArg = ""

'Create pg_xlog directory if it is not the default one
If strXlogDir <> strDataDir & "\pg_xlog" Then
  strXlogDir = strXlogDir & "\pg_xlog"
  strXLogArg = " -X """ & strXlogDir & """ " 
  If objFso.FolderExists(strXlogDir) <> True Then
      If Err.number <> 0 Then
        Die "Failed to create the XLog directory (" & strXlogDir & ")"
      End If
  End If
End If

Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

iRetXlog = 0

If IsVistaOrNewer() = True Then
    WScript.Echo "Ensuring we can write to the data directory (using icacls):"
    iRet = DoCmd("icacls """ & strDataDir & """ /T /grant:r """ & objNetwork.Username & """:F")
    WScript.Echo "Ensuring we can write to the xlog directory if it exists (using icacls)"
    If objFso.FolderExists(strXlogDir) = True Then
      iRetXlog = DoCmd("icacls """ & strXlogDir & """ /T /grant:r """ & objNetwork.Username & """:F")
    End If
    WScript.Echo "Ensuring we can write to the data directory (using cacls):"
    iRet = DoCmd("echo y|cacls """ & strDataDir & """ /E /T /G """ & objNetwork.Username & """:F")
    WScript.Echo "Ensuring we can write to the xlog directory if it exists (using cacls):"
    If objFso.FolderExists(strXlogDir) = True Then
      iRetXlog = DoCmd("echo y|cacls """ & strXlogDir & """ /E /T /G """ & objNetwork.Username & """:F")
    End If
End If
if iRet <> 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "Failed to ensure the data directory is accessible (" & strDataDir & ")"
End If
if iRetXlog <> 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "Failed to ensure the xlog directory is accessible (" & strXlogDir & ")"
End If

' Initialise the database cluster, and set the appropriate permissions/ownership
if strLocale = "DEFAULT" Then
    iRet = DoCmd("""" & strInstallDir & "\bin\initdb.exe"" " & strMode & "  --pwfile """ & strInitdbPass & """ --encoding=UTF-8 -A md5 -U " & strUsername & " -D """ & strDataDir & """" & strXLogArg & "")
    iRet = DoCmd("""" & strInstallDir & "\bin\initdb.exe"" " & strMode &"  --pwfile """ & strInitdbPass & """ --locale=""" & strLocale & """ --encoding=UTF-8 -A md5 -U " & strUsername & " -D """ & strDataDir & """" & strXLogArg & "")
End If

if iRet <> 0 Then
    Die "Failed to initialise the database cluster with initdb"
End If

' Delete the password file
If objFso.FileExists(strInitdbPass) Then
    objFso.DeleteFile strInitdbPass, True
End If

' Edit the config files
' Set the following in postgresql.conf:
'      listen_addresses = '*'
'      port = $PORT
'      log_destination = 'stderr'
'      logging_collector = on
Set objConfFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(strDataDir & "\postgresql.conf", ForReading)
strConfig = objConfFile.ReadAll
strConfig = Replace(strConfig, "#listen_addresses = 'localhost'", "listen_addresses = '*'")
strConfig = Replace(strConfig, "#port = 5432", "port = " & lPort)
strConfig = Replace(strConfig, "#port = 5444", "port = " & lPort)
strConfig = Replace(strConfig, "#log_destination = 'stderr'", "log_destination = 'stderr'")
strConfig = Replace(strConfig, "#logging_collector = off", "logging_collector = on")
strConfig = Replace(strConfig, "#log_line_prefix = ''", "log_line_prefix = '%t'")
strConfig = Replace(strConfig, "edb_dynatune = 66", "edb_dynatune = " & strServerUtilization)
strConfig = Replace(strConfig, "#edb_dynatune_profile = oltp", "edb_dynatune_profile = " & strWorkLoadProfile)

Set objConfFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(strDataDir & "\postgresql.conf", ForWriting)
objConfFile.WriteLine strConfig

' Secure the data directory

If IsVistaOrNewer() = True Then
    WScript.Echo "Granting service account access to the data directory (using icacls):"
    iRet = DoCmd("icacls """ & strDataDir & """ /T /C /grant:r """ & strOSUsername & """:M")
    WScript.Echo "Granting service account access to the data directory (using cacls):"
    iRet = DoCmd("echo y|cacls """ & strDataDir & """ /E /T /C /G """ & strOSUsername & """:C")
End If
if iRet <> 0 Then
    Warn "Failed to grant service account access to the data directory (" & strDataDir & ")"
End If
' Secure the xlog directory

If IsVistaOrNewer() = True Then
    WScript.Echo "Granting service account access to the xlog directory (using icacls):"
    iRet = DoCmd("icacls """ & strXlogDir & """ /T /C /grant:r """ & strOSUsername & """:M")
    WScript.Echo "Granting service account access to the xlog directory (using cacls):"
    iRet = DoCmd("echo y|cacls """ & strXlogDir & """ /E /T /C /G """ & strOSUsername & """:C")
End If
if iRet <> 0 Then
    Warn "Failed to grant service account access to the xlog directory (" & strDataDir & ")"
End If
WScript.Echo "initcluster.vbs ran to completion"
WScript.Quit iWarn
gracias disculpen la frustracion. expresada.
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