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Antiguo 18-06-2008
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Codigo para crear estructuras DBF

Aqui tienes un codigo para crear tu mismo las estructuras de tus archivos dbf, mediante un pequeno trozo de codigo que encontre un dia en la web...

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Código Delphi [-]
unit MakeDBF;

                       MakeDBF unit for Delphi
                             Version 1.10
           Copyright 1995-97 Absolute Computer Consulting,
                         All Rights Reserved.


   This unit is designed to create a .DBF file header.  It will
   create a table with any number of fields.  It is designed to
   create a dBase IV tables.

  Written by:

  Mark Klaamas, Absolute Computer Consulting
  13 Apollo Court
  Halifax, Nova Scotia


      DBF : tCreateDBF;
      DBF := tCreateDBF.Create;

        with DBF do

          (* Add fields to the database *)
          AddField('test1', 'C', 10, 0);
          AddField('test2', 'C', 20, 0);
          AddField('test3', 'N', 4, 0);
          AddField('test4', 'N', 6, 2);
          AddField('test5', 'D', 8, 0);
          AddField('test6', 'L', 1, 0);

          (* set the table name *)
          FileName := 'test.dbf';

          (* create the table file. *)
          if not WriteTable then
            MessageDlg('Error occured', mtError, [mbOk], 0);



  Disclaimer and License:

    This unit and the associated files can be freely used and
    distributed in commercial and private environments, provided this
    notice is not modified in any way without my expressed written
    consent.  The MakeDBF unit is released as is.  No warranty is
    implied and we are not responsible for any problems that might
    arise from the use of this unit.  You use this unit
    entirely at your own risk.

    Bugs (a.k.a. undocumented features)

    If you find any, please let us know, and we will attempt to fix
    them.  Note that bugs often depend on glitches in the system.
    Sometimes it helps to re-boot and try again...

    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments or
    suggestions at

  Revision History:

  09 Feb 1997:   (v1.10) Finally getting around to fully supporting the
                 full range of field types that dBase allows.

  20 July 1995:  (v1.01) Forced field names to uppercase.  This is to be
                 consistant with FoxPro naming for fields.  Forced a date
                 field to have a length of 8.  Only Numeric fields can
                 be assigned decimal places.

                 Fixed WriteTable routine to correctly detect if the file
                 was created correctly or not.

  11 July 1995:  (v1.00) First release.  Memos will not be supported
                 unless there are requests 

                 Supports following field types: Character, Numeric,
                 Logical, Date.  More will be added on request. }


{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

  SysUtils, Classes;

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }


  tCreateDBF = class(tObject)
    fFileName : STRING;
    dbfType   : BYTE;                  { database type                        }
    LangID    : BYTE;                  { Language Driver ID                   }
    Update    : array[0..2] of byte;   { date last updated.                   }
    Rec1Pos   : WORD;                  { position of record 1                 }
    RecLen    : WORD;                  { length of record including delete flg}
    SubRecs   : tList;                 { list of sub records (fields/columns) }
    isMemo    : boolean;               { flag to tell us if there is a memo.  }
    fMemoSize : word;
    constructor Create;
    destructor  Free;
    procedure   AddField(Name : string; fldtype : char; fldsize : byte; dec : byte);
    procedure   UpdateTable;
    function    WriteTable : boolean;
    procedure   ClearAll;

    property    FileName   : string read fFileName write fFileName;
    property    LanguageID : byte   read LangID    write LangID;
    property    MemoSize   : word   read fMemoSize write fMemoSize;

    Define a sub-record (aka database field/column) class.  Make it a
    class instead of a record so we can add it to a tList without
    doing pointer magic.  It will also make it easier to dispose of
    memory since a tObject "knows" how to dispose of itself.

  tDBFSubRec = class(tObject)
    Name      : array[0..10] of char;  { Field name                           }
    FldType   : char;                  { Field type                           }
    FldDisp   : longint;               { Field displacement in record.        }
    FldLen    : byte;                  { Size of field.                       }
    FldDec    : byte;                  { Number of decimal places.            }
    resv      : array[0..13] of char;  { reserved.                            }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }


{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

  ValidTypes = 'BCDFGLMN';             { Character, Numeric, Logical, Date    }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

constructor tCreateDBF.Create;
  D : pChar = #95#12#28;               { fake an update date.                 }
  fFileName := '';
  dbfType   := 3;                      { FoxPro / dBase 4 table, no memos.    }
  LangID    := $19;                    { magic number ?                     }
  StrCopy(pChar(@update), D);          { set false update date              }
  SubRecs   := tList.Create;           { create a new instance of a tList.    }

  isMemo    := FALSE;
  fMemoSize := 1024;

end; { constructor tCreateDBF.Create }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

destructor tCreateDBF.Free;

  SubRecs.Free;                        { Delete the SubRecs and Free Memory.  }

end; { destructor tCreateDBF.Free }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

procedure tCreateDBF.AddField(Name : string; fldtype : char; fldsize : byte; dec : byte);
  TmpSubRec : tDBFSubRec;

                                       { validate the field type.             }
  fldtype := UpCase(fldtype);

  if pos(fldtype, ValidTypes) = 0 then
    raise Exception.Create('MAKEDBF:  Invalid field type!');

  TmpSubRec := tDBFSubRec.Create;      { create a new field instance.         }

  Name := UpperCase(Name);             { convert field name to UPPERCASE      }
  Move(Name[1], TmpSubRec.Name, Length(Name));
  TmpSubRec.FldType := fldtype;

  with TmpSubRec do
    FldDisp := 0;                      { ******  updated later.               }
    FldLen  := fldSize;
    FldDec  := 0;

    case fldType of
      'D':           FldLen := 8;
      'M', 'G', 'B': begin
                       FldLen := 10;
                       isMemo := TRUE;
      'F', 'N'     : FldDec := Dec;

    fillchar(resv, sizeof(resv), #0);

  SubRecs.Add(TmpSubRec);              { add new field to the list.           }

end; { procedure tCreateDBF.AddField }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

procedure tCreateDBF.UpdateTable;
  x       : integer;
  NumFld  : word;
  RecSize : word;
  TmpFld  : tDBFSubRec;

  { Update the table type }
  if isMemo then
    dbfType := $8B
    dbfType := $03;

  RecSize := 0;                        { account for the delete flag in size  }
  NumFld := SubRecs.Count;

  Rec1Pos := 32 + (32*NumFld) + 1;     { record 1 start position              }

  for x := 0 to (NumFld - 1) do

    TmpFld := SubRecs.Items[x];

    with TmpFld do
      FldDisp := RecSize + 1;          { update field displacement in record. }
      RecSize := RecSize + FldLen;

  end; { for }

  RecSize := RecSize + 1;              { account for the delete flag.         }
  RecLen  := RecSize;                  { set the record length.               }

end; { procedure tCreateDBF.UpdateTable }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

function tCreateDBF.WriteTable : boolean;
  OutFile  : file;
  x        : word;
  TmpFld   : tDBFSubRec;
  HeadEnd  : char;
  buf      : array[0..31] of char;
  memoBuf  : pChar;
  TmpStr   : string;
  WriteTable := TRUE;
  AssignFile(OutFile, fFileName);

  if IOResult <> 0 then ;              { clear IOResult                       }

    We need to clear the IOresult because if there was an IOResult that was
    set before we called this method it would cause this method to fail even
    if it worked!

    A little know fact that I didn't know about: according to the manual

    "If an I/O error occurs and I/O-checking is off ( (*$I-*) ), all subsequent
    I/O operations are ignored until a call is made to IOResult. Calling
    IOResult clears the internal error flag."

    However, from testing, if a previous procedure sets IOResult, this procedure
    will run, and work, but still report the IOResult from the previous

  ReWrite(OutFile, 1);

  FillChar(Buf, sizeof(Buf), #0);
  { Setup the memory buffer to resemble the 32 byte dbf header. }
  Move(dbfType, Buf[0], sizeof(dbfType));
  Move(Update, Buf[1], sizeof(Update));
  Move(Rec1Pos, Buf[8], sizeof(Rec1Pos));
  Move(RecLen, Buf[10], sizeof(RecLen));
  Move(LangID, Buf[29], sizeof(LangID));
  BlockWrite(OutFile, Buf, sizeof(Buf));

  for x := 0 to (SubRecs.Count - 1) do
    TmpFld := SubRecs.Items[x];
    BlockWrite(OutFile, TmpFld.Name,    sizeof(TmpFld.Name));
    BlockWrite(OutFile, TmpFld.FldType, sizeof(TmpFld.FldType));
    BlockWrite(OutFile, TmpFld.FldDisp, sizeof(TmpFld.FldDisp));
    BlockWrite(OutFile, TmpFld.FldLen,  sizeof(TmpFld.FldLen));
    BlockWrite(OutFile, TmpFld.FldDec,  sizeof(TmpFld.FldDec));
    BlockWrite(OutFile, TmpFld.resv,    sizeof(TmpFld.resv));
  end; { for }

  HeadEnd := #13;
  BlockWrite(OutFile, HeadEnd, 1);

  if isMemo then begin
    { Write out the header for the memo file. }
    AssignFile(OutFile, ChangeFileExt(fFileName, '.DBT'));
    ReWrite(OutFile, 1);

    GetMem(memoBuf, fMemoSize);
    FillChar(memoBuf^, fMemoSize, #0);

    memoBuf[0]   := #01;               { Next free block in memo file.        }
    memoBuf[$12] := #02;               { MAGIC?                               }
    memoBuf[$13] := #01;               { MAGIC?                               }
    memoBuf[$14] := chr(lo(fMemoSize));{ LOW  byte of BLOCK SIZE               }
    memoBuf[$15] := chr(hi(fMemoSize));{ HIGH byte of BLOCK SIZE              }

    { We need the table name. }
    TmpStr := ExtractFileName(fFileName);
    TmpStr := Copy(TmpStr, 1, Length(TmpStr) - 4);
    Move(TmpStr[1], memoBuf[$08], length(TmpStr));

    BlockWrite(OutFile, memoBuf^, fMemoSize);

    FreeMem(memoBuf, fMemoSize);


  if IOResult <> 0 then WriteTable := FALSE;
end; { function tCreateDBF.WriteTable : boolean }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

procedure tCreateDBF.ClearAll;

  SubRecs.Free;                        { Delete the SubRecs and Free Memory.  }
  SubRecs := tList.Create;

end; { procedure tCreateDBF.ClearAll }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

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