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Antiguo 05-06-2007
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[seoane] seoane is offline
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seoane Va por buen camino
Fijate lo que cuenta microsoft
Empezado por Microsoft
Returns zero if successful; otherwise nonzero. Applications normally should simply check for zero or nonzero.

It is good practice to examine the value of the fAnyOperationsAborted member of the SHFILEOPSTRUCT. SHFileOperation can return 0 for success if the user cancels the operation. If you do not check fAnyOperationsAborted as well as the return value, you cannot know that the function accomplished the full task you asked of it and you might proceed under incorrect assumptions.

Do not use GetLastError with the return values of this function.

To examine the nonzero values for troubleshooting purposes, they largely map to those defined in Winerror.h. However, several of its possible return values are based on pre-Win32 error codes, which in some cases overlap the later Winerror.h values without matching their meaning. Those particular values are detailed here, and for these specific values only these meanings should be accepted over the Winerror.h codes. However, these values are provided with these warnings:
Parece ser que el valor que devuelve la función SHFileOperation lo tienes que comparar con los que se muestran en la tabla para obtener una descripción del mismo.

PD: Si es que no leemos la ayuda

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