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Antiguo 11-03-2007
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Registrado: dic 2004
Ubicación: Alcobendas, Madrid, España
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Hola de nuevo,

Ya en el colmo de la inutilidad tengo este código por aquí... que en su momento también fue publicado en estos Foros. Se trata de una unidad que contiene un procedimiento capaz de mostrar un formulario al estilo "MSN Messenger"... con un mensaje dentro y todo.

Código Delphi [-]
{······························· dec - 20005 ··}
{·} unit UMsgPopup; interface {················}
{·} uses Forms,{···}StdCtrls, {················}
{·} Windows,Classes,Graphics; {················}
{·} procedure MsgPopup(const msg: {············}
{·} string; const wait: integer); {············}
{·} implementation {···························}
{·} procedure MsgPopup(const msg: {············}
{·} string; const wait: integer); {············}
{·} var {······································}
{·····} i,max: integer; {······················}
{·····} lbMsg:{}TLabel; {······················}
{·····} fmMsg:{·}TForm; {······················}
{·····} panel:{·}TRect; {······················}
{·} begin {····································}
{···} fmMsg := TForm.Create(nil); {············}
{···} try {····································}
{·····} with fmMsg do {························}
{·····} begin {································}
{·······} Width  := 350; {·····················}
{·······} Height := 110; {·····················}
{·······} Color := clWhite; {··················}
{·······} Caption:=' '+msg; {··················}
{·······} SystemParametersInfo {···············}
{·······} (48, 0, @panel,  0); {···············}
{·······} Top := panel.Bottom; {···············}
{·······} BorderStyle := bsToolWindow; {·······}
{·······} FormStyle{·}:=  fsStayOnTop; {·······}
{·······} lbMsg:=TLabel.Create(fmMsg); {·······}
{·······} Left := panel.Right-fmMsg.Width-2; {·}
{·······} max :=panel.Bottom-fmMsg.Height-2; {·}
{·······} with lbMsg do {······················}
{·······} begin {······························}
{·········} Top{}:= 30; {······················}
{·········} Left := 10; {······················}
{·········} Height:=30; {······················}
{·········} Parent {}:=fmMsg; {················}
{·········} AutoSize :=false; {················}
{·········} Caption{}:=  msg; {················}
{·········} Font.Size :={}14; {················}
{·········} Font.Name := 'Arial'; {············}
{·········} Font.Color{}:= clRed; {············}
{·········} Alignment:= taCenter; {············}
{·········} Font.Style:=[fsBold]; {············}
{·········} Width := fmMsg.Width; {············}
{·······} end ; {······························}
{·······} Show; {······························}
{·······} i := Top; {··························}
{·······} while(i>=max)do {····················}
{·······} begin {······························}
{·········} Top := i; {························}
{·········} Dec(i,2); {························}
{·········} Refresh ; {························}
{·······} end; {·······························}
{·····} end; {·································}
{···} finally {································}
{·····} Sleep(wait); {·························}
{·····} fmMsg.Free;; {·························}
{···} end; {···································}
{·} end; {·····································}
{.} end. {·····································}
{························ ·····}
David Esperalta
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