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hperez 23-05-2007 19:14:11

Como hago un replace en delphi ??
nesecito saber como reemplazar una caracter 'a' por un caracter ´b´ en una cadena

gluglu 23-05-2007 19:21:20

Busca en la ayuda del Foro 'StringReplace'.

Te saldrán varias ayudas al respecto. :rolleyes:

Bicho 23-05-2007 19:22:43

De la ayuda de delphi


StringReplace function

Returns a string with occurrences of one substring replaced by another substring.




string handling routines

TReplaceFlags = set of (rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase);
function StringReplace(const S, OldPattern, NewPattern: string; Flags: TReplaceFlags): string;


StringReplace replaces occurrences of the substring specified by OldPattern with the substring specified by NewPattern. StringReplace assumes that the source string, specified by S, may contain Multibyte characters.

If the Flags parameter does not include rfReplaceAll, StringReplace only replaces the first occurrence of OldPattern in S. Otherwise, all instances of OldPattern are replaced by NewPattern.

If the Flags parameter includes rfIgnoreCase, The comparison operation is case insensitive.
Espero te sirva.


juanlaplata 23-05-2007 19:32:00

Código Delphi [-]
Uses StrUtils;

AnsiReplaceStr(dondeCambio,queCambio,porCualLoCambio) ;
Espero te sirva, suerte.

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