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pkbza 04-04-2006 02:30:14

sybase 12.5 - delphi 7
Hola foro, creo que este tema ya tienen que haberlo tratado antes, pero el link a la pagina de busqueda del foro antiguo esta erroneo... bueno el tema es que no se como conectar mi programa hecho en delphi 7 a un servidor sybase 12.5, no se que componente utilizar, y si es que delphi tiene controladores para sybase 12.5. Muchas gracias de antemano por cualquier ayuda.

andres 04-04-2006 16:55:59

hola pkbza,

hace tiempo estuve desarrollando un aplicativo que accesaba a Sybase Anywhere, y utilice inicialmente el dbexpress, pero todos los drivers que encontré son de pago, ahora con los componentes ADO tienes dos opciones, utilizar ODBC o utilizar el proveedor OLE DB para sybase, si utilizar el ODBC, debes tener en cuenta que cuando instales la aplicacion debes configurar el ODBC en el cliente, con OLD DB únicamente tienes que registrar el proveedor en el cliente y listo.

Si tienes instalado Sybase, el ya trae tanto el ODBC como el proveedor OLe DB.

espero te sirva para arrancar.

acabo de encontrar que en la pagina de Sybase hay un driver dbexpress para descargar, solo tienes que registrarte (gratis) y luego buscas lo que necesitas en download (dbexpress, OLE DB, odbc)


Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.x

* Version 12.x ships with its own OLE DB Provider. It will show up in the list of drivers as Sybase ASE Provider. The performance is not too bad, definitely better than connecting to the ODBC driver through the OLEDB Provider for ODBC Drivers. There were a couple of lingering bugs, which should be stumped out by March 2001. The driver requires that OpenClient be installed on user's machine.
* Second option for drivers is to request an unreleased, but solid, version of what is known as "TDS" (Tabular Data Stream) driver. It sheds the dependence on the OpenClient, thus offering better performance. Besides that's one less installation headache you have to deal with. As of writing (March 2001), you have to call their tech support and ask for it. They'll make you sign an agreement if you want to use it in a production environment. This driver will ship with Sybase 12.5 when it comes out in August 2001
* The last option is to purchase drivers from Merant (formerly Intersolv). I would never purchase drivers because they should be provided for free with the database. However, with this one there is a catch. Sybase doesn't write its own drivers. They are outsourced to Merant. So Merant, sells, what I would call, either a value-added driver or a driver that is one version ahead. It is up to you to determine whether what they sell is worth your money.

pkbza 05-04-2006 17:12:17

Muchas gracias Andres, tu informacion me ha aclarado bastante la situacion. Saludos desde Chile.

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