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Juan Carlos 20-04-2005 03:58:41

Obtener DirecciÓn De Memoria
Saludos A Todos:

Por Favor Necesito Saber Como Obtener La DirecciÓn De Memoria Donde Esta Cargada Una FunciÓn O Procedimiento Y Como Mandalra A Llamar A Traves De Un Apuntador.

Si Existe Alguna FunciÓn, Me PodrÍan Explicar Con CÓdigo, O CÓmo Se PodrÍa Implementar...

Gracias...... :)

Lepe 20-04-2005 13:03:11

Código Delphi [-]
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Button1.Onclick := MibotonClick;

procedure TForm1.MibotonClick(Sender: TObject);

Simplemente es lo que hace delphi con cualquier evento, en realidad son apuntadores a la dirección de memoria donde está el procedimiento MibotonClick.

Di exactamente que quieres hacer para tener una respuesta más precisa. TnotifyEvent puede ser tu solución.

Un saludo

Juan Carlos 20-04-2005 13:39:50

direccion de memoria
Es que necesito saber si se puede obtener la direccion de memoria, donde se almacena una funcion o procedimiento.
por ejemplo: la funcion agregar, tiene una direcccion 12345, dada esa direccion, poder ejecutar dicha funcion o procedimiento. espero qe me haya explicado.

Lepe 20-04-2005 14:38:42


Empezado por Procedural types in statements and expressions
When a procedural variable is on the left side of an assignment statement, the compiler expects a procedural value on the right. The assignment makes the variable on the left a pointer to the function or procedure indicated on the right. In other contexts, however, using a procedural variable results in a call to the referenced procedure or function. You can even use a procedural variable to pass parameters:
Código Delphi [-]

  F: function(X: Integer): Integer;
  I: Integer;
function SomeFunction(X: Integer): Integer;
F := SomeFunction;  // assign SomeFunction to F
I := F(4);          // call function; assign result to I
In assignment statements, the type of the variable on the left determines the interpretation of procedure or method pointers on the right. For example,
Código Delphi [-]

  F, G: function: Integer;
  I: Integer;
function SomeFunction: Integer;
F := SomeFunction;  // assign SomeFunction to F
G := F;             // copy F to G
I := G;             // call function; assign result to I
The first statement assigns a procedural value to F. The second statement copies that value to another variable. The third statement makes a call to the referenced function and assigns the result to I. Because I is an integer variable, not a procedural one, the last assignment actually calls the function (which returns an integer).
In some situations it is less clear how a procedural variable should be interpreted. Consider the statement

if F = MyFunction then ...;

In this case, the occurrence of F results in a function call; the compiler calls the function pointed to by F, then calls the function MyFunction, then compares the results. The rule is that whenever a procedural variable occurs within an expression, it represents a call to the referenced procedure or function. In a case where F references a procedure (which doesn’t return a value), or where F references a function that requires parameters, the statement above causes a compilation error. To compare the procedural value of F with MyFunction, use

if @F = @MyFunction then ...;
@F converts F into an untyped pointer variable that contains an address, and @MyFunction returns the address of MyFunction.
To get the memory address of a procedural variable (rather than the address stored in it), use @@. For example, @@F returns the address of F.
The @ operator can also be used to assign an untyped pointer value to a procedural variable. For example,

var StrComp: function(Str1, Str2: PChar): Integer;

@StrComp := GetProcAddress(KernelHandle, 'lstrcmpi');

calls the GetProcAddress function and points StrComp to the result.
Any procedural variable can hold the value nil, which means that it points to nothing. But attempting to call a nil-valued procedural variable is an error. To test whether a procedural variable is assigned, use the standard function Assigned:

if Assigned(OnClick) then OnClick(X);


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