Ver la Versión Completa : pasar este codigo vb 6.0 a delphi7

08-10-2018, 17:45:03
me pueden ayudar a pasar ese codigo a delphi7,esto es un edito hecho en visual basic 6.0
Private Declare Function LogonUser Lib "advapi32" Alias "LogonUserA" (ByVal lpszUsername As String, ByVal lpszDomain As String, ByVal lpszPassword As String, ByVal dwLogonType As Long, ByVal dwLogonProvider As Long, phToken As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ImpersonateLoggedOnUser Lib "advapi32" (ByVal hToken As Long) As Long

Private Type StructAvatars
//AvContador As String * 4
AvNoMenu As String * 4

AvNoImg As String * 4

AvNew As String * 1
AvNew0 As String * 3

AvName As String * 20

AvVisible0 As String * 3
AvVisible As String * 1

AvUnknow As String * 1

AvActWeek As String * 1
AvActWeek0 As String * 2
AvPriceWeekG As String * 4
AvPriceWeekC As String * 4

AvActN1 As String * 1
AvActN10 As String * 3
AvPriceN1G As String * 4
AvPriceN1C As String * 4

AvActMonth As String * 1
AvActMonth0 As String * 3
AvPriceMonthG As String * 4
AvPriceMonthC As String * 4

AvActN2 As String * 1
AvActN20 As String * 3
AvPriceN2G As String * 4
AvPriceN2C As String * 4

AvActIlimit As String * 1
AvActIlimit0 As String * 3
AvPriceIlimitG As String * 4
AvPriceIlimitC As String * 4

AvActGold As String * 1
AvActCash As String * 1
AvGoldCash0 As String * 2

AvSDelay As String * 1
AvSDelay0 As String * 3
AvBunge As String * 1
AvBunge0 As String * 3
AvAttack As String * 1
AvAttack0 As String * 3
AvDefense As String * 1
AvDefense0 As String * 3
AvHealt As String * 1
AvHealt0 As String * 3
AvIDelay As String * 1
AvIDelay0 As String * 3
AvShield As String * 1
AvShield0 As String * 3
AvPopularity As String * 1
AvPopularity0 As String * 3

AvDescription As String * 64

AvSepara As String * 448

End Type

Dim FileFree As Integer
Dim FileTemp As Integer
Dim RegActual As Long
Dim RegUltimo As Long
Dim RegActualTemp As Long
Dim Pos As Integer, p As Integer
Dim Datos As StructAvatars
Dim DatosTemp As StructAvatars

Private Sub cmdAnterior_Click()
If RegActual = 1 Then
MsgBox " Primer registro ", vbInformation
'Diminuir a variável que mantém a posição do registro atual
RegActual = RegActual - 1
'Mostramos os dados nas caixas de texto
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdGuardar_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub GuardarDatos()

'Atribuir estrutura de dados com o conteúdo do textBox
With Datos

.AvNoMenu = txtToSave(txtAvNoMenu.Text)

.AvNoImg = txtToSave(txtAvNoImg.Text)

If chkAvNew.Value = 1 Then
.AvNew = HexToString("01")
.AvNew = HexToString("00")
End If

.AvNew0 = NullByte("0", 3)

.AvName = txtAvName + NullByte("0", Len(.AvName) - Len(txtAvName))

.AvVisible0 = NullByte("0", 3)

If chkAvVisible.Value = 1 Then
.AvVisible = HexToString("01")
.AvVisible = HexToString("00")
End If

.AvUnknow = NullByte("0", 1)

If chkAvActWeek.Value = 1 Then
.AvActWeek = HexToString("01")
.AvActWeek = HexToString("00")
End If

.AvActWeek0 = NullByte("0", 3)

.AvPriceWeekG = txtToSave(txtAvPriceWeekG.Text)
.AvPriceWeekC = txtToSave(txtAvPriceWeekC.Text)

.AvActN1 = NullByte("0", 1)
.AvActN10 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvPriceN1G = NullByte("0", 4)
.AvPriceN1C = NullByte("0", 4)

If chkAvActMonth.Value = 1 Then
.AvActMonth = HexToString("01")
.AvActMonth = HexToString("00")
End If

.AvActMonth0 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvPriceMonthG = txtToSave(txtAvPriceMonthG.Text)
.AvPriceMonthC = txtToSave(txtAvPriceMonthC.Text)

.AvActN2 = NullByte("0", 1)
.AvActN20 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvPriceN2G = NullByte("0", 4)
.AvPriceN2C = NullByte("0", 4)

If chkAvActIlimit.Value = 1 Then
.AvActIlimit = HexToString("01")
.AvActIlimit = HexToString("00")
End If

.AvActIlimit0 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvPriceIlimitG = txtToSave(txtAvPriceIlimitG.Text)
.AvPriceIlimitC = txtToSave(txtAvPriceIlimitC.Text)

If chkAvActGold.Value = 1 Then
.AvActGold = HexToString("01")
.AvActGold = HexToString("00")
End If

If chkAvActCash.Value = 1 Then
.AvActCash = HexToString("01")
.AvActCash = HexToString("00")
End If

.AvGoldCash0 = NullByte("0", 2)

.AvSDelay = HexToString(Hex(StatsSave(txtAvSDelay.Text)))
.AvSDelay0 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvBunge = HexToString(Hex(StatsSave(txtAvBunge.Text)))
.AvBunge0 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvAttack = HexToString(Hex(StatsSave(txtAvAttack.Text)))
.AvAttack0 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvDefense = HexToString(Hex(StatsSave(txtAvDefense.Text)))
.AvDefense0 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvHealt = HexToString(Hex(StatsSave(txtAvHealt.Text)))
.AvHealt0 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvIDelay = HexToString(Hex(StatsSave(txtAvIDelay.Text)))
.AvIDelay0 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvShield = HexToString(Hex(StatsSave(txtAvShield.Text)))
.AvShield0 = NullByte("0", 3)
.AvPopularity = HexToString(Hex(StatsSave(txtAvPopularity.Text)))
.AvPopularity0 = NullByte("0", 3)

.AvDescription = txtAvDescription.Text + NullByte("0", Len(.AvDescription) - Len(txtAvDescription))

.AvSepara = NullByte("0", 484)

End With

'Escreve dados em um arquivo e posição
Put #FileFree, (RegActual - 1) * Len(Datos) + 5, Datos
End Sub

Private Sub Label8_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub mnuOpen_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Cargar()
dlgAbrir.DialogTitle = "Abrir"
dlgAbrir.Filter = "Avatars Dat (*.dat)|*.dat"


txtFileName.Text = dlgAbrir.FileName
txtFileTitle.Text = dlgAbrir.FileTitle

If Not txtFileName.Text = "" And Not txtFileTitle.Text = "" Then

FileFree = FreeFile
Open dlgAbrir.FileName For Binary As FileFree Len = Len(Datos)
RegActual = 1
' Armazenar a posição do último registro
RegUltimo = LOF(FileFree) / Len(Datos)
txtContador = RegUltimo
If RegUltimo = 0 Then
RegUltimo = 1
End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub VisualizarDatos()
Get #FileFree, (RegActual - 1) * Len(Datos) + 5, Datos

' With Datos0
'txtContador = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvContador, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvContador, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvContador, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvContador, 1, 1)))
'Datos = .AvPart2
'End With

With Datos
txtAvNoMenu = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvNoMenu, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvNoMenu, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvNoMenu, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvNoMenu, 1, 1)) + "&")
txtAvNoImg = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvNoImg, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvNoImg, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvNoImg, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvNoImg, 1, 1)) + "&")
txtAvNew = StringToHex(.AvNew)
txtAvName = Trim(.AvName)
txtAvVisible = StringToHex(.AvVisible)

txtAvActWeek = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvActWeek, 1, 1)))
txtAvPriceWeekG = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceWeekG, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceWeekG, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceWeekG, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceWeekG, 1, 1)) + "&")
txtAvPriceWeekC = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceWeekC, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceWeekC, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceWeekC, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceWeekC, 1, 1)) + "&")

txtAvActMonth = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvActMonth, 1, 1)))
txtAvPriceMonthG = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceMonthG, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceMonthG, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceMonthG, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceMonthG, 1, 1)) + "&")
txtAvPriceMonthC = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceMonthC, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceMonthC, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceMonthC, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceMonthC, 1, 1)) + "&")

txtAvActIlimit = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvActIlimit, 1, 1)))
txtAvPriceIlimitG = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceIlimitG, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceIlimitG, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceIlimitG, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceIlimitG, 1, 1)) + "&")
txtAvPriceIlimitC = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceIlimitC, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceIlimitC, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceIlimitC, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPriceIlimitC, 1, 1)) + "&")

txtAvActGold = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvActGold, 1, 1)))
txtAvActCash = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvActCash, 1, 1)))

txtAvSDelay = StatsView(Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvSDelay, 1, 1))))
txtAvBunge = StatsView(Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvBunge, 1, 1))))
txtAvAttack = StatsView(Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvAttack, 1, 1))))
txtAvDefense = StatsView(Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvDefense, 1, 1))))
txtAvHealt = StatsView(Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvHealt, 1, 1))))
txtAvIDelay = StatsView(Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvIDelay, 1, 1))))
txtAvShield = StatsView(Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvShield, 1, 1))))
txtAvPopularity = StatsView(Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(.AvPopularity, 1, 1))))

txtAvDescription = Trim(.AvDescription)

End With

'MsgBox (txtAvNew)
If Val("&H" + txtAvNew.Text) = 1 Then
chkAvNew.Value = 1
chkAvNew.Value = 0
End If

If Val("&H" + txtAvVisible) = 1 Then
chkAvVisible.Value = 1
chkAvVisible.Value = 0
End If

If Val("&H" + txtAvActWeek) = 1 Then
chkAvActWeek.Value = 1
chkAvActWeek.Value = 0
End If

If Val("&H" + txtAvActMonth) = 1 Then
chkAvActMonth.Value = 1
chkAvActMonth.Value = 0
End If

If Val("&H" + txtAvActIlimit) = 1 Then
chkAvActIlimit.Value = 1
chkAvActIlimit.Value = 0
End If

If Val("&H" + txtAvActGold) = 1 Then
chkAvActGold.Value = 1
chkAvActGold.Value = 0
End If

If Val("&H" + txtAvActCash) = 1 Then
chkAvActCash.Value = 1
chkAvActCash.Value = 0
End If

Combo1 = Combo1.List(0)
mnuSave.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSiguiente_click()

If RegActual = RegUltimo Then
MsgBox " Ultimo registro ", vbInformation
'Aumenta a posição
RegActual = RegActual + 1
'Coloque os dados na caixa de texto próximo registro
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdBuscar_click()

Dim Encontrado As Boolean, PosReg As Long, tmp As StructAvatars

If txtBuscar = "" Then txtAvName.SetFocus: Exit Sub

Encontrado = False

'Vamos do começo ao fim em busca do registro para encontrar

For PosReg = 1 To RegUltimo

'Nós lemos o registro
Get #FileFree, (PosReg - 1) * Len(tmp) + 5, tmp

'Se os dados é o mesmo ciclo que
txtBuscar2 = BuscarPor(tmp)

If UCase(txtBuscar) = UCase(txtBuscar2) Then
Encontrado = True
Exit For
End If


If Encontrado Then

RegActual = PosReg
'Coloque os dados do texto

MsgBox "Nome: " & txtBuscar & " Nenhum registro encontrado"
End If

End Sub

Private Function BuscarPor(t As StructAvatars)

Select Case Combo1.ListIndex

Case 0: BuscarPor = Trim(t.AvName)
Case 1: BuscarPor = Val("&H" + StringToHex(Mid$(t.AvNoMenu, 4, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(t.AvNoMenu, 3, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(t.AvNoMenu, 2, 1)) + StringToHex(Mid$(t.AvNoMenu, 1, 1)) + "&")

End Select

End Function

Private Sub CmdNuevo_click()

'Limpeza estrutura de dados para adicionar um novo registro
With Datos
.AvNoMenu = ""

.AvNoImg = ""

.AvNew = ""
.AvNew0 = ""

.AvName = ""

.AvVisible0 = ""
.AvVisible = ""

.AvUnknow = ""

.AvActWeek = ""
.AvActWeek0 = ""
.AvPriceWeekG = ""
.AvPriceWeekC = ""

.AvActN1 = ""
.AvActN10 = ""
.AvPriceN1G = ""
.AvPriceN1C = ""

.AvActMonth = ""
.AvActMonth0 = ""
.AvPriceMonthG = ""
.AvPriceMonthC = ""

.AvActN2 = ""
.AvActN20 = ""
.AvPriceN2G = ""
.AvPriceN2C = ""

.AvActIlimit = ""
.AvActIlimit0 = ""
.AvPriceIlimitG = ""
.AvPriceIlimitC = ""

.AvActGold = ""
.AvActCash = ""
.AvGoldCash0 = ""

.AvSDelay = ""
.AvSDelay0 = ""
.AvBunge = ""
.AvBunge0 = ""
.AvAttack = ""
.AvAttack0 = ""
.AvDefense = ""
.AvDefense0 = ""
.AvHealt = ""
.AvHealt0 = ""
.AvIDelay = ""
.AvIDelay0 = ""
.AvShield = ""
.AvShield0 = ""
.AvPopularity = ""
.AvPopularity0 = ""

.AvDescription = ""

.AvSepara = ""

End With

' Grava dados no novo registro até que você pressione o botão _
Salvar que registra os dados reais
'MsgBox (RegUltimo & "----" & Len(Datos))
Put #FileFree, (RegUltimo) * Len(Datos) + 5, Datos

RegActual = RegUltimo

End Sub

Private Function HexToString(ByVal HexToStr As String) As String
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim I As Long
For I = 1 To Len(HexToStr) Step 3
strTemp = Chr$(Val("&H" & Mid$(HexToStr, I, 2)))
strReturn = strReturn & strTemp
Next I
HexToString = strReturn
End Function

Private Function StringToHex(ByVal StrToHex As String) As String
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim I As Long
For I = 1 To Len(StrToHex)
strTemp = Hex$(Asc(Mid$(StrToHex, I, 1)))
If Len(strTemp) = 1 Then strTemp = "0" & strTemp
strReturn = strReturn & strTemp
Next I
StringToHex = strReturn
End Function

Private Function NullByte(ByVal StrToNull As String, ByVal Contador As Integer) As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim I As Long

For I = 1 To Contador
strReturn = strReturn + HexToString("0")
Next I

NullByte = strReturn

End Function

Private Function NullHex(ByVal StrToHex As String, ByVal Contador As Integer) As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim I As Long
strReturn = StrToHex
For I = 1 To Contador
strReturn = "0" + strReturn
Next I

NullHex = strReturn

End Function

Private Function StatsView(ByVal StrToStat As String) As String
If StrToStat > 50 Then
StatsView = StrToStat - 255
StatsView = StrToStat
End If
End Function

Private Function StatsSave(ByVal StrToStat As String) As String
If StrToStat < 0 Then
StatsSave = StrToStat + 255
StatsSave = StrToStat
End If
End Function

Private Function txtToSave(ByVal StrToHex As String) As String
Dim t As StructAvatars

StrToHex = NullHex(Hex(StrToHex), Len(t.AvNoImg) * 2 - Len(Hex(StrToHex)))
StrToHex = HexToString(Mid$(StrToHex, 7, 2)) + HexToString(Mid$(StrToHex, 5, 2)) + HexToString(Mid$(StrToHex, 3, 2)) + HexToString(Mid$(StrToHex, 1, 2))
txtToSave = StrToHex + NullByte("0", Len(t.AvNoImg) - Len(StrToHex))

End Function

Casimiro Notevi
08-10-2018, 18:09:19
Claro, ¿cuál es el problema?

08-10-2018, 19:01:37
el programa es un editor de archivos dat lo cual contiene datos de nombre, presio ,descripcion

08-10-2018, 19:18:51
Listo. aquí te estoy pasando el fuente.


Neftali [Germán.Estévez]
09-10-2018, 09:17:35
Creo que lo que te "intentan" explicar aquí los compañeros, es algo así como, que para preguntar por una dirección, necesitas dar "una dirección concreta" y no pedir que te expliquen "todo el mapa de la ciudad".

Deberías intentar concretar y decir dónde tienes problemas, pero no pasar un proyecto completo y pedir que "te lo traduzcan".
Los foros son un lugar donde se ayuda a los demás, pero no un lugar para que te hagan el trabajo gratis. Hay una sutil difderencia.

Un saludo.