Ver la Versión Completa : Firebird 3.0 'unstable'

Casimiro Notevi
27-11-2012, 12:10:16
Para quien quiera ir probando y buscando fallos, ya es posible descargar Firebird 3.0
Obviamente, no se debe usar en producción, es una versión en desarrollo.
De momento sólo está para S.O. Linux.
Enlace (http://web.firebirdsql.org/download/snapshot_builds/linux/fb3.0/) al sitio de descargas de firebirdsql.org

27-11-2012, 14:14:37
Esta es la info que aparece en el roadmap de Firebird acerca de esta versión.

New Development: version 3.0

Firebird 3.0 represents the project's next milestone release and it currently gets the most of the development efforts. It's going to offer some important and highly anticipated features that were promised for a long time already.

Key points:
Revised architecture, including new authentication and configuration subsystems;
Scalable (SMP/multi-core friendly) multi-threaded engine with the shared page cache;
New ODS (version 12) with new system and monitoring tables;
External (Java, C++, etc) stored procedures/triggers/functions;
Reworked optimizer and new data access methods;
Security enhancements;
Various SQL extensions.
The complete feature set is not agreed on yet, so please follow the development mailing list if you're interested. You're also welcome to vote for your favorite tickets in the Firebird Issue Tracker (http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa).

Initial (unstable) public builds are already available;
We expect to see Alpha 1 released in Q4 2012.
Unstable v3.0 builds can be downloaded from the snapshot area (http://www.firebirdsql.org/en/snapshot-builds/). Please beware that the ODS (on-disk structure) hasn't been finalized yet, so databases could be incompatible between different unstable builds and you'll have to either recreate them or migrate them via backup/restore.

Use the "Track Details" icon to discover the list of tasks currently scheduled for v3.0 Alpha 1.


Suena interesante lo de los SP externos.

27-11-2012, 18:27:26
Gracias por la noticia.

28-11-2012, 15:54:12
Que maravilla y que lujo! Viva Firebird! :D