Ver la Versión Completa : Problemas instalando delphi 6, solo aparece la paleta Standard

31-03-2009, 21:49:09

No sé que esta pasando, instalo delphi 6 enterprise y la unica paleta que aparece al finalizar la instalación, después de reiniciar es Standard y dentro sólo el componente Frames.

No lo entiendo la verdad.

31-03-2009, 22:00:26
He encontrado la solución, esta en la web de embarcadero, aquí esta el enlace:

lo copio y pego por si desaparece cuando pase un tiempo.


Missing components in Delphi 6.

Why am I missing components after installing Delphi 6?


This most commonly occurs if you had a previous edition of Delphi 6 that you uninstalled. It is possible that there are registry entries left over from that installation because of the new way Delphi is creating the startup registry configuration. It can also occur if you run the stand alone register program or install third party components, which will create the D6 registry key, before actually running Delphi 6 for the first time.

The solution for any of these is to run the utility d6RegClean.exe that comes with Delphi 6, and then restart Delphi before installing anything else. d6RegClean.exe should be located in the bin directory or on the CD.

Also be sure you are not installing two different editions of Delphi 6 on the same machine (such as Personal and Enterprise).

01-04-2009, 04:11:41
se me ocurre que a lo mejor instalas el delphi en una cuenta de admisnitrador...

y al querer entrar como invitado no te muestar las demas plantillas...

por lo que solo jalara en la cuenta de adminsitrador...
